Hooking Him - Aurora Rose Reynolds Page 0,61

you for setting me straight,” I murmur as I pull out into traffic. “So where is everyone going?”

“To Edie’s. We heard you’re having dinner with your parents tonight, so we’re going to help you two get ready,” Pearl says.

I inwardly groan. “I’m going to Calvin’s to get ready.”

“Call him and tell him that he can pick you up at Edie’s. He won’t mind,” Pearl says.

She’s right; he won’t, but still. “I really don’t need help getting ready.”

“We know you don’t, but it will be fun!” Dixie sings.

“Fine,” I say, giving in.

“Can you make one quick stop first?” Pearl asks.

“Sure, where?” I meet her gaze in the rearview mirror.

“The liquor store.”

“I think the three of you have had enough alcohol today.”

“It’s not for us. It’s for you.”

“Okay then, I don’t need a drink.”

“Sure you do,” Pearl insists.

“I don’t,” I deny with a shake of my head.

“You do.”

“I don’t. I might need a glass of wine when it’s over, but not before. Trust me: I need to have my wits about me when dealing with my parents.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” she agrees, and I sigh. “But I still want to stop. I need to buy a lotto ticket. I’m feeling lucky.”

“You say that every week, and every week, you waste your money,” Dixie tells her.

“One day, I’m going to hit it big, and when it happens, you’ll be singing a different tune.”

“If you hit the lotto, I’ll eat my words and run through the streets naked.”

“Now I really need to stop,” Pearl says with a laugh, and I can’t help but smile.

“I wouldn’t mind a slushy. The gas station on the corner near the house has them,” Edie tells me, and I wonder if this is how a mom feels when dealing with small children. I bet it is.

“Fine, but you guys have to be fast,” I say as I pull into the gas station.

“I’ll make sure they’re quick,” Dixie tells me as she pats my arm before getting out with them. I watch them go into the store, and ten minutes later, I watch them come out with their hands full of junk food and drinks, looking like teens who had free rein in a convenience store.

“Now, are you ladies ready to go home, or would you like me to make a stop at Chuck E. Cheese’s so you can see how many tickets you can collect?” I ask as I back out of my parking space.

“We’re too old for Chuck E. Cheese, but feel free to stop at Dave and Buster’s,” Pearl quips, and both Edie and Dixie laugh.

“You three are trouble.”

“We’ve been told that a time or two,” Edie says. Then she adds, “But when you reach our age, you earn the right to live life on your own terms.”

“That we can agree on,” I say as I pull in and park next to Edie’s car, which has had a tarp over it ever since her license was suspended.

“I miss your car,” Dixie sighs from the back seat.

“I need to sell it,” Edie murmurs as she unhooks her belt.

“Pardon?” I ask as Dixie and Pearl get out, slamming the doors.

“My car—I need to sell it. Will you help me take some pictures and post it online?”

I turn toward her in my seat and reach over to take her hand. “There’s still a chance you can get your license back.”

“I know . . . ,” she agrees, looking away. “But my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, and my reflexes have slowed. I shouldn’t be driving, and I’m smart enough to know when to cut my losses.”

“Edie,” I say softly, hating the defeat in her tone.

“I’m not upset.” She turns to face me once more.

I study her to see if she’s being truthful, and when I see she is, I squeeze her hand. “In that case, I’ll help you with whatever you need.”

“Thank you.” She lets me go and pats my thigh. “Now, call Calvin, and I’ll see you inside.”

“I’ll be just a minute.”

“Take your time.” She gets out and shuts the door, and I grab my cell phone from my bag and call Calvin. When he doesn’t answer, I leave him a voice mail, then send him a text in case he doesn’t check his messages. I get out and head inside Edie’s house without knocking, and then I spend the next hour with three women who have shown me in a short time that life is all about doing what makes your soul happy.

“That would

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