Hooked on You - Cathryn Fox Page 0,85

we need to get this painting done,” I say, but the truth is, I’m looking forward to having the place alone tonight.

“If you change your mind.”

I head to the kitchen, take the pot of soup from the fridge, and put it on the burner. I turn on the gas and reach for the baguette to slice off a few pieces for the guys. Jason comes back downstairs and looks over my shoulder.

“Smells delicious.”

“It’s minestrone.”

“You made it?”

“Yes, I made it, and I didn’t burn down the house. It’s Gram’s recipe. I found it in one of her books.” I point the wooden stick at him. “Now, grab the bowls and sit.”

“You’ve been hanging out with boss man too much,” he says as he reaches into the cupboard. “His bossiness is rubbing off on you.” He puts the bowls on the counter and sits at the kitchen table.

Nate and I have been spending a lot of time together, and I guess sooner or later it was going to be noticeable, but I’m pretty sure no one has any idea what’s going on with us behind closed doors. Then again, Khloe picked up on it right away. Nate wanted to keep that between us, and I don’t blame him. No need to upset the dynamics here. I scoop out the soup and serve it when Sam saunters into the room.

“Hey Kira, would you be able to help out at the auction next week? Maybe you could MC it.”

“I…” I’ve given presentations at the university, although I’m not that great in front of a large crowd, but honestly, how can I say no when they’re trying so hard. “What would I have to do?”

“Talk about our good traits, really sell us, you know.”

“What good traits do you have?” Jason asks and dips his bread into his soup.

“Don’t be jealous because the ladies like me better than you, Frankenstein,” he says, and points to the scar on Jason’s forehead.

Jason rubs his hand over the scar. “The ladies love this. No one wants a pretty boy like you, Sam. They want a real man, with real scars. Isn’t that right, Kira?”

My gaze goes back and forth between the two. They’re both nice looking men, charming in their own ways and very endearing.

“There’s something to be said for a pretty boy face and a scar. Both are appealing,” I say, and that answer seems to satisfy them. “Now back to my MC duties—”

“You’ll do it?” Sam’s big blue eyes widen with hope.

I lower myself to the seat next to him. “All I have to do is say nice things?”

“Yup,” Jason says.

“Maybe each guy could write something on a cue card, and I can read it. I only really know you guys and wouldn’t know what to say about the men I’ve not met.”

“Good idea,” Sam says.

“What’s a good idea?” Nate asks from the living room arch.

“Kira is going to MC the auction next Saturday. Nate angles his head, his gaze moving over my face like he finds that hard to believe.


“Sure, why not?” I say, and once again think about how I’ve been out of my comfort zone more these last couple of weeks than I have been in my whole life, but it’s been good for me.

“Oops,” one of the boys says from the other room.

Nate cringes. “I better check on that.”

He disappears, and as the two guys start talking shop, I excuse myself and head in to see what happened. I cross my arms and lean against the archway where the wall is still warm from Nate’s body. I can’t help but smile as Nate puts some kind of liquid on a cloth and uses it to wipe away the paint Liam accidentally dripped on the floor. Once done, he readjusts the drop cloth and ruffles the kid’s hair.

“No harm done,” he says, and Liam smiles up at him. He clearly adores Nate. How could he not? Nate sort of has that effect on everyone, and I’m sure

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