Hooked on You - Cathryn Fox Page 0,29

was to soften the blow of her news.

“What’s up?” Jason asks.

“Well, you see. This bed and breakfast came to my mom after Gram died, and I’m here to sell it for her,” she says getting right to the point.

Sam sets his fork down. “You’re selling Gram’s B&B?” he asks, like there is no way in the world for him to process that. Sam and Gram were close. He’s been staying at her place for years, and he was the one who took her to the hospital when she was having pains in her chest. He was like the grandson she never had. I expected the news to be hard on him.

“I’m sorry,” Kira says. “It’s mom’s wishes, and I can’t see any other way around them. I have to sell.”

“Why don’t you stay? Buy the place out from her?” Sam asks.

She looks down, and a line forms in the center of her forehead. She opens her mouth and closes it again. Coming to her rescue I say, “Kira’s life is on the other side of the country.” I don’t bring up the fact that she can’t afford to buy it. She seemed a little embarrassed by that last night. “We can’t expect her to just pack up and move here.”

Kira gives me a grateful smile, a thank you for the rescue, and for some odd reason her appreciation curls through me, does the weirdest things to my fucking insides.

“We have to keep it in the family,” Jason says. He looks down like he always does when he’s scheming something. But no scheme is going to change the fact that she must sell.

“I’m sure it won’t sell before fishing season is up this year, but next, you’ll have to find other accommodations. If we do have viewings, I’ll try to make them as unobtrusive as possible.” The mood around the table changes, and plates get pushed away. But it’s Kira’s frown that hits like a sucker punch.

Nothing about this feels right. But it’s not my place to step in and try to fix things. My only goal is to see to business, then move on to the next failing plant that needs technological changes and a boost of youth and energy.

Yeah, staying here was never part of the plan and I’m no one’s knight in shining armor. I just can’t figure out what it is about Kira, that makes me want to save the day. Clearly, I need to put some distance between us, and I will.


Chapter Seven


As I read the name on the business card Nate gave me, I try not to think about all the man’s hotness and how he stood before me last night in nothing but a pair of jeans. When he wasn’t looking, I stole a peak at broad shoulders that taper to a trim waist and sexy oblique muscles that guided my eyes down, to the all the goodness behind his zipper. Honest to God, it took every ounce of strength not to blatantly stare—okay maybe I did—or reach out and trace his grooves and valleys. I shake my head to clear it, the man is a ridiculous distraction, and I need to put a leash on my overactive libido. I pull my cell phone from my pocket. Might as well get this over with. I punch in the realtor’s number, and he answers on the second ring.

“Tail Winds Realty, Phillip speaking.”

“Hi Phillip, this is Kira Palmer.” I give him a second to see if it rings any bells. I can only assume word spreads fast around this small town, and Gram’s granddaughter being back would make headlines.

“How can I help you, Kira?” he asks.

“I’m Gram’s…uh, Margaret Andrew’s granddaughter.”

“Oh, right. Kira, how are you? I haven’t seen you in years.”

I close my eyes and rack my brain but have no recollection of a Phillip Gates. I might have been too young when I met him. “I’m doing well, thank you. I’m back in town to take care of Gram’s estate.”

He goes quiet for a moment, much like the crew this morning when I broke the news.

“I don’t understand,” he

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