Hooked on You - Cathryn Fox Page 0,103


“Ewww,” she whispers and closes her eyes. “I can’t look.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you.”

I tug on my pants, head to the bathroom, and check the trap. I’m glad I was here when this happened. “Keep your eyes closed,” I say.

I tug on my coat, carry the trap from the house, and dispose of it in the trash outside. I double-check the foundation and grab the foam from inside to touch up a spot where the mouse could have been coming and going.

Back inside, I push open the door about to blurt out how I feel but shut my mouth when I find her fast asleep. As much as I want to snuggle in next to her, I close her door, leave her alone so she can get a good night’s sleep for a change. I guess my declaration of love will have to wait.

Chapter Twenty-One


I still can’t believe Nate came up with the idea of a celebration of life for Gram, and how many people helped plan it. The local grocery store sent trays of sandwiches and cases of drinks, and a few of the restaurants provided hot meals and sweets. It’s more than I could ever have asked for.

As I sit in Gram’s favorite rocking chair, all of her friends packed into the B&B, my heart swells two sizes in my chest. A little hiccupping cry catches in my throat, and Nate takes my hand, brings it to his mouth and kisses it. I smile at him, but I’m choked up from happiness, as people in the room take turns telling stories about Gram. Some are funny, some are poignant, but all of them speak of a warm, caring woman I called Gram.

Tears pool in my eyes, but I don’t blink them back, I let them fall, as many in the room are crying right along with me. Listening to stories about Gram is cathartic to my soul, and for the first time, I feel I’ve had a chance to say a proper goodbye, and that has given me closure.

I glance at Nate, my heart full of love, and mouth the words, “Thank you.”

He holds my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze. I feel it all the way to my soul. How can I walk away from here, from him? My life, work, and family are all out west, but are they really? This here, the people in this room, they’ve become a part of me, have been so inclusive that they’ve become my family. And my work. I can work on my theorem here, and at Victoria’s partnering university, Dalhousie, where I’ve made a good friend.

So what’s stopping me?

The B&B hasn’t sold, and I could fly out to visit my parents whenever I wanted to. But deep in my heart, I know what’s stopping me. I want this. All of this. But I want it with Nate. Question is, what does he want? The way the man touches me, looks at me, knows just what I need, hints at deeper feelings. But from the beginning, he’s been straight with me, told me he had no staying power.

But when I see him with these people, how much he’s grown to love this community, I’m not so sure he’s right. What I do know is he’s kind, compassionate, and roots for the underdog. From what he told me, he’s the antithesis of his brothers. I think he has staying power. I think he’s just afraid to put himself out there and get himself hurt.

A mother bailing out on you has to have a lasting impact, not to mention all the stepmothers who’ve come and gone from his life. Dr. Phil would be right. Nate leaves first so he doesn’t get hurt.

My heart wobbles in my constricted chest, and even though I’m confused about my next steps, there is one thing I know for certain. We’ve been open and honest with each other about everything, and now it’s time to be open and honest about our true feelings.

“Okay, okay,” Sam says and climbs to his feet as Gram’s neighbor Jack finishes telling his story. “As you all know, I was Gram’s favorite, not Jason.”

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