Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,67

she asks tearfully. “Oh, I know your father just broke your spirit and your heart, but let me also tell you what a shitty husband he was to me by sleeping with some college coffee girl.” She swipes a rogue tear from my cheek. “Honey, you were hurting, and I couldn’t add to it. It was all too much. I just had to get you and the girls away from him. He was spiraling and I didn’t want you all to get hurt anymore.”

“You should have told me,” I accuse, hating how pained my voice is.

“You’re right. I should have. I’m sorry.” She pulls me to her, and I go. I let my mom hug away the pain inside me. “I tried to protect you and it didn’t work. You’re hurting and you’re sick and there’s nothing I can do to fix that.” She kisses my hair. “I love you, baby, and you know that.”

I do.

I just need…

“We’re going to walk home,” Roan says from the stairway.

I look over my shoulder to see him and Roux standing there. They both wear guilty expressions like they overheard our conversation.

“I’ll take you home,” I grit out, rising to my feet. “I think I’m going to stay the night, Mom. I need some space right now.”

She nods and stands, giving me a sad look. Then, to Roan she says, “Please take care of him.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

It’s been over a week since my blowout with Mom. Roan and I are both on edge for different reasons. He’s waiting for the shoe to drop with his mom. I’m worried my dad is going to show up at any moment.

“I got an A on our algebra test,” Roan says, grinning at me as we leave the school and head toward my Mustang.

“Seriously?” I nudge him with my shoulder. “I guess we’ll be celebrating tonight.”

His smile widens. “Someone looks like he wants to suck dick when we get to my place.”

“I was thinking in the ’Stang,” I say, waggling my brows. “While you drive us home.”

I toss him the keys and he catches them, laughing. We’re so focused on one another that we almost miss the squeal of tires. I’m suddenly shoved behind Roan.

“Stay back,” he warns.

A piece of shit Maxima rolls to a stop and some big, scary thug looking dude jumps out. He charges right for Roan, swinging at him. The guy misses him the first time, but his knuckles crack against Roan’s face, making his head swing back. It takes a second for me to leap into action. I jump on the dude’s back, putting his thick neck in a headlock. I’m able to distract him enough he focuses on me and not Roan. We fall back and his weight just about knocks the air out of me. He shakes me off and is back on his feet. Roan’s ready for him and punches him hard in the gut.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Alejandro?” Roan demands, dodging another hit.

Oh shit.

The dude who put a gun to Roan’s head.

This guy is dangerous.

“I’ve come to kick your ass,” Alejandro roars, throwing punch after punch at Roan. Several hit him, sending a dazed Roan falling back.

Alejandro reaches for the back of his pants when Roan hits the pavement on his ass. I don’t wait, I tackle this motherfucker again. His gun falls out of his pocket, clattering to the ground. He punches me hard in the stomach, making everything turn black. I’m yanked off him, but it’s by Roan. He’s protecting me.

I hear guys yelling. The Hoodlums. They’re charging for us like fucking gladiators with Jordy leading the charge.

“Fuck,” Alejandro grunts. He scrambles up and runs to his car. In seconds, he peels out and hauls ass out of the parking lot.

“Get him,” Jordy yells to Cal and Terrence.

Those two bolt for Cal’s truck and tear out of the lot after him. I turn in Roan’s arms and hug him tight. Our hearts are pounding hard in our chests in tandem. He squeezes me until I can barely breathe.

“What the hell happened, man?” Jordy demands, pacing beside us like an angry bull.

“I don’t know,” Roan grumbles. “Just showed up and stared beating the shit out of me.” He pulls away and takes my face in his hands. “I told you to stay back.”

“And let you get your ass beat all by yourself?” I volley back. “Fat chance.”

“Dumbass,” he mutters not unkindly. His lips press to mine. “That was so stupid, but kind of hot too.”

“Seriously, man?

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