Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,64

twists up his handsome features.

“No,” I rasp out. “I…she’s going to…I don’t know what the fuck to do.” I run my fingers through my hair and tug at the strands. “Fuck, Hollis. What do I do?”

“You can’t do this alone,” he says, standing and pulling me to him for a hug.

“What can you do?”

“Not just me. We’ll talk to my mom and Aunt Karen and Mike. We’ll figure something out together.”

My chest warms knowing I have other sane adults on my side.

“Okay,” I croak. “Let’s go.”

I’ve buried my face in my palms, overwhelmed as fuck. If it weren’t for Hollis’s gentle pats on my back, I’d go into a full-on panic attack. His touches are soothing. It’s enough to have me pulling my hands away to regard everyone allowed in this “family meeting” as Kelsey called it. She sits on the sofa, Roux cuddled up next to her. Mike sits on the other side of Kelsey, trembling with rage. Penny and Charlotte were sent to their rooms. Ms. Frazier sits in her chair while Hollis and I share the loveseat.

“I say we call her bluff and let the cops get involved,” Mike grumbles. “I don’t think they’ll side with her.”

Ms. Frazier leans forward in her recliner. “As long as there aren’t drugs in the house or visible signs of her using, they’ll make Roux go back.”

Kelsey’s lips thin out and she hugs my sister tighter. “Maybe we could talk some sense into her. Let her know Roux is safe and happy right now. Surely, as a mother, she knows she isn’t providing a safe environment for her children.”

I scoff and Roux shoots me a sour look. Our mother is selfish and doesn’t give a shit about our environment or well-being.

“You can’t talk sense into Miranda,” Mike says, voicing what both Roux and I are thinking. “I dated the woman in one of her rare ‘good’ moments and it was evident I couldn’t do a thing to help her or those kids because she was stubborn and wouldn’t allow it.”

“Me and Roan will run away,” Roux threatens. “If she tries.”

Ms. Frazier shakes her head. “Bad idea, honey. They’ll just find you and put you back. God only knows how unsafe that would be for the two of you. Always on the run. No food or money. Terrible idea.”

Roux pouts. I’m irritated that it’s no longer a viable option for us. When it was just Roux and me, I never thought twice about taking her. But Ms. Frazier is right. Not to mention, we’d be forced to leave everyone we care about.

I can’t leave Hollis.

Not now.

There has to be a better solution.

“We could just wait for her to get fucked up again,” I offer with a shrug. “It’s only a matter of time. Then, maybe she’ll back off.”

Ms. Frazier doesn’t chide me for my language. “And if she doesn’t?”

“I don’t know,” I admit grumpily. “We can’t leave, though. She’s right about that, Roux.”

Roux scowls at me. “Since when did that plan change?”

“Since we started connecting with people.” I wave around the room. “Do you really want to leave them?”

“No,” she admits sadly. “Kelsey and I were just planning my birthday party.”

I hate my mom so fucking much right now.

If only she’d leave us the hell alone, Roux could continue on with planning her fourteenth birthday party and I could continue on with my relationship with Hollis.

Secret relationship.

As though he senses my thoughts, he draws his hand away from my back. He’s respecting my wishes. I hate that we have to hide.

Do we, though?

Aren’t these people we can trust?

“I have a boyfriend and I don’t want to leave him,” I tell Roux, ignoring the burning stares. I’m worried that Hollis will be pissed at me for blurting that shit out. Instead, he takes my hand and threads our fingers together.

“No one is going to make you leave your boyfriend,” Kelsey assures me in her sweet, motherly voice. I believe her.

“Oh, my,” Ms. Frazier says. “I didn’t realize…I thought you two were friends…”

“Boyfriend?” Mike’s voice comes out gritty and confused. “What?”

I turn and meet his eyes. “Hollis is my boyfriend. We didn’t want to say anything, because I was worried about how that might impact my getting to keep Roux with me.”

Hollis’s thumb swipes over mine, comforting me with such a simple touch. “Everything he does is for Roux. I respect that.”

“But it shouldn’t be held against me,” I bite out. “So, fuck it, that’s the truth. No more hiding.”

Ms. Frazier nails me this

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