Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,50

mouth moves and words come out.”

He barks out a laugh. “I hate you.”

“Now you can call me on your phone and tell me how much. Just make sure you breathe heavily into the phone. For reasons.”

His smirk is hot. He quirks up his brow, making his barbell piercing glint in the bathroom light. “What reasons?”

“Do it and you’ll find out.”

He bites on the inside of his bottom lip, his amber eyes dancing with humor. “I’ll find out tonight. When you’re all cozy and half asleep, I’ll call you. Breathe heavily to piss you off.”

“It’s hard to be pissed off when you’re naked and your secret lover is breathing heavily on the other line.” I give him my best smoldering look. It works because his eyes drift to my lips, lingering there.

“Are you always this much of a brat?”

“Guess you’ll have to spend more time with me to find out.”

He smiles. “See you after practice. We can spend time together cleaning your aunt’s attic. I’ll put you to work. That’ll teach your mouthy ass.”

“Never speak the words ‘mouth’ and ‘ass’ to a gay man and not expect him to get turned right the fuck on.” I lift a brow. “You’re poking a bear.”

He walks right up to me, lips nearly on mine, and boldly rubs my dick through my jeans. “I’d rather stroke a rat.”


I groan, my lips parting with need.

He gifts me with a wild grin and then he’s gone. I’m left with a boner and a thrill buzzing through my veins.

I’m not sure what sort of shit I’ve tangled myself into with Roan.

I just know I’m not ready to get out.

I’m in.

One hundred percent in.


Jordy shoots me a sour look on the way to the parking lot, but doesn’t fight me. I told him I was hitching a ride with Hollis since we’re going to the same place. He didn’t want to give in. I could tell. But then Juno called.

I wanted to ask him what Juno wanted.

Instead, I gave him a look that said, “Be careful.”

Charlotte and Roux are sitting on the hood of Hollis’s Mustang talking to that damn boy again. As soon as Jordy sees him, he starts stalking toward him rather than his Explorer. The kid—Kayden—freezes when he sees all that wrath directed at him.

Jordy is like trying to tame a pissed off bull.


“Hey, Roux,” Jordy says, his voice a growl. “I’m leaving.”

Roux frowns, looking over at me before nodding at Jordy. “Okay. Bye.”

Kayden takes a few steps back, wise to put space between him and the bull.

“See you in the morning.” Jordy pulls her to him for a side hug. “You call me if anyone’s a dick to you.” He makes a point at glowering at Kayden. “Got it, Little Hoodlum?”

Her face is red from embarrassment. She likes this kid and Jordy is even more overbearing than me. “Yeah, fine. See ya.”

Jordy smirks at the kid and then fist bumps me on the way to his car. Hollis comes up behind me, hitting the fob on his Mustang.

“My car’s not a bench,” Hollis gripes.

Charlotte rolls her eyes at her brother. “Don’t be lame.”

Kayden snorts, but all it takes is a venomous look from me to have the kid retreating. “See you guys tomorrow.” He waves and then turns to take off trotting. Dumbass lanky motherfucker.

The girls pile into the backseat and I sit shotgun. Hollis fires up the engine. He fumbles with the music before turning on something I don’t recognize. It’s catchy, though. I like it. The girls must know it because they start singing along.

For so long I’ve been wound up so tight I sometimes think I might snap. But right here, in this moment, I feel relaxed. Freed. Like a teenager enjoying himself, not worrying about adult shit like custody of his sister or where his next meal will come from. I wish I were free enough to reach over the console and give Hollis’s muscular thigh a squeeze. To thank him for showing up and fucking shit up.

He shoots me a curious glance. I smile and wink at him. His pallid cheeks flood with color. I like when I turn the porcelain boy a pretty pink. It looks good on him. Makes him look alive. I especially like the purple hickey visible on his neck.

I gave him that mark.


A possessive part of me gets a thrill at seeing it. All through basketball practice, I kept staring at it. It took everything in me not to get a fucking hard-on. Coach

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