Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,35

the bitter taste on my tongue.

“What?” Terrence demands, now pacing beside me. “That prissy purple car motherfucker?”

Jordy is on his feet in an instant, all despair erased as rage fuels him forward. He stands too close, assessing me. “He went with his mom to get you?”

I nod and let out a sigh. “They took me to the fire station to see Mike. Apparently I might have a concussion. It’s enough that Coach doesn’t want me playing tonight. I’m benched.”

Cal groans. “Fucking really? We need you, man.”

“You have Hollis now,” I bite out harshly. “Coach says you guys will manage a game without me, especially with him on the team.”

The truth of Coach’s words hurt.

I’ve been replaced by a prettier, richer, more perfect version.

A golden boy.

I’m nothing but old news. Replaceable. A problem that needs fixing.

“So the fucker tells his aunt and CPS gets involved?” Jordy demands. “Now they’re going to take Roux away from us?”

My heart races wildly in my heart. “No one is fucking taking her.”

He relaxes. “Damn straight.”

“We’d kick their asses if they tried,” Terrence grumbles.

“Make them regret the day they messed with Little Hoodlum,” Cal agrees. “Do you need a place to stay? I bet Mom and Dad wouldn’t mind.”

“For now, Mike’s letting us stay with him.” I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m going to have to lie low for a while. I can’t get into any shit and risk them yanking Roux into the system.”

All three guys nod, features contorted into angry scowls.

“Don’t worry.” Jordy snarls, his eyes locking in on a target behind me in the hallway. “We’ll do the dirty work for you.”

We all turn to see Hollis walking toward us, his head down and shoulders slumped. He doesn’t notice us until he nearly runs into Terrence. As soon as he acknowledges the four of us, he tenses and straightens. His eyes dart over to mine, concern glimmering in them.

I look away.

“Watch where you’re going, rat,” Terrence snaps, shoving Hollis back.

He stumbles but regains his footing before falling. Fury turns his pale features crimson and he fists his hands, readying for a fight. As though the porcelain boy is a match for four Hoodlums.

“Roan,” Hollis says, eyes burning into me as he ignores the others. “Can we talk?”

“Fuck no, you can’t talk,” Jordy sneers, stalking over to him. His chest bumps Hollis’s. “If you have something to say, you say it to me.”

Hollis tries to look around Jordy, but Jordy isn’t having that shit. He grabs Hollis by the jaw and shoves him against the bank of lockers on the wall, pressing his head into the depressed locker he ruined moments earlier. Hollis wriggles to no avail, panic flashing in his blue eyes.

“You stay away from my boy,” Jordy warns. “Or I will fucking crush you.” To punctuate his words, he digs his fingers into Hollis’s jaw.

Hollis cries out in pain.

The sound burns down my spine, chasing butterflies into my stomach. I don’t understand the sensation, but it isn’t a pleasant one.

“Not here,” I murmur. “You’ll get your ass in trouble.”

Jordy holds Hollis in his punishing grip a second longer before releasing him roughly. He spits at Hollis’s feet before stalking off down the hall. Terrence and Cal saunter after him. I start to follow, but Hollis grabs my bicep before I get far.

I shake off his hold and step close, my face inches from his. “You heard Jordy. Stay away from me.”

His brows furrow together. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“You stole my spot on the team for tonight’s game and your family called CPS on mine.” I laugh cruelly at him. “I’m fucking peachy, rat.”

I start to pull away, but he fists my hoodie, pulling me flush against him. My hand flies to the smashed locker behind him to keep from slamming my hips on his. His breathing is uneven and mine is harsh. Bravely, he stares at me as though he can project thoughts straight into my skull.

Don’t hurt me.

I won’t hurt you.

A shudder ripples through me. I don’t like the spooky ass mental vibes he’s giving me. Like he knows me. I met the guy Monday. He doesn’t fucking know me.

“Roan, I’m not a bad guy.” His blue eyes soften, warming the iciest parts of me.

I cool every part inside me, especially the heat flooding down to my dick. “Sucks for you then, rat,” I mutter, leaning in to brush my words against the shell of his ear, “because I am.”


The crowd screams when I make my

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