Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,18

fuck away from us, Mom.”

I don’t wait for an answer. I stalk into the living room to unplug all the shit making noise. An empty Tupperware container that once held lasagna sits on the coffee table where Alejandro and Mom must have dug in. That small thing sets me off more than anything that’s transpired tonight. They know I bring that shit home for Roux and they don’t care. Selfish motherfuckers. I grind my teeth all the way back to our room. As soon as I get the door closed, I drag our dresser over to it to keep that fucker out.

Eventually, I fall back into bed, exhausted as hell. I’m just drifting to sleep when I hear Mom’s loud ass moans and the headboard hitting the wall.

Anger bleeds from me and defeat consumes me in the darkness.

Why is life so fucking hard?

I just want to be normal and have normalcy for Roux.

Thankfully Alejandro doesn’t last long. By five in the morning, I’m drifting back to sleep. I fall asleep imagining a life where we can relax. Where Roux is safe. Where we don’t have to drag dressers in front of the door or put out kitchen fires.

And then, I think of him.

He’s the last thought on my mind before I pass out completely.

Hollis the pretty fucking rat.


My phone buzzes in my pocket as I pull into the school parking lot. This time, I avoid parking next to the Ford Explorer and choose a spot several rows back. Of course, in the empty lot, I stick out like a sore thumb. With an annoyed sigh, I swipe open my phone.

Lucas: Saw your dad last night. He looks like shit.

I’m irritated that when I finally get a message from Lucas, it’s referring to my father, not catching up.

Me: Yeah? Why?

Lucas: I don’t know. Just looked tired and angry.

Me: That’s his signature look. How are you doing? How’re Jamie and Wendell?

I know I sound fucking desperate, but I ache for my old life. When it was filled with friendship and laughter. Where Lucas and I would flirt all the time and most everyone chalked it up to a bromance. How we’d sneak off and make out, sometimes jacking each other off within earshot of our teammates.

Lucas: Jamie’s still a dumbass. Wendell’s out for the season. Broke his ankle.

I wince, knowing how much this hurts the team. Wendell was one of the best.

Me: Fuck. That sucks.

The reply back is instant, but it takes me a second to realize it’s not him.

Roan: You too good to park next to Jordy?

I lift my gaze to see Roan leaned against the back of Jordy’s Ford Explorer as Jordy stalks my way. My heart rate stammers wildly as I wonder why in the hell this guy is headed my way like I’ve done something to him.

He walks right up to my door and flings it open, his body tight with barely contained rage. This dude has serious anger issues.

“You got a fuckin’ problem with me, rat?” he snarls, cracking his thick neck.

Jesus, now they’re both calling me that shitty nickname.

“Nope,” I grumble.

“Get out of your car.” He thrums with violence.

“Nah, I’m good right here.”

The fucker pounces on me, yanking me out of the car. I drop my phone in the process. Jordy shoves me to the dirty, snowy pavement. The wet, cold slop saturates through my jeans before I manage to jump to my feet.

“He’s not worth it,” Roan calls out to his friend, approaching the two of us. “You’d hit him and he’d break. Little porcelain doll.”

Jordy’s lip curls up. “You thought my piece of shit was going to door ding your gay-ass purple car?”

I try not to flinch at the word “gay,” but it’s too late. I’ve done it and Roan zeroes in on it with narrowed eyes. I’m not ashamed of being gay, but it’s times like these that people make it really fucking difficult.

“I just wanted to avoid this,” I hiss, waving between us. “A stupid altercation over nothing.”

Jordy charges for me, shoving me again. I don’t fall down this time and fist my hands. Sure, I’ve never fought, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go down without swinging at his psycho ass.

“Let’s go,” Roan grumbles. “You’ll get your ass expelled, Jordy.”

“And I give a fuck, why?” Jordy throws back.

Roan grabs his jaw, turning him so they can face off. “I need you. Roux and I both do.”

This seems to dismantle the bomb. I guess underneath all Jordy’s psychopathic tendencies, he has a

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