Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,16

we can sleep here tonight.”

Roux sits down on the dirty carpet and pulls out one of her novels. While she reads, I call one of my mom’s few ex-boyfriends who was worth a damn. Of course he smartened up and moved on. It just sucked we got left behind too.

“This is Mike.”

“Hey, man,” I grunt out. “How busy are you tonight?”

“Never too busy for you or Roux.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Great. So, uh, Mom or Alejandro left something on the stove. The apartment is filled with smoke—”

“Don’t go inside. I’m on my way,” he says, immediately going into fireman mode.

“I already did. Got the stove turned off and the pot in water. I opened a couple of windows.”

“That was dangerous, Roan,” he chides. “You could have been exposed to toxic smoke.”

“I know, I know,” I grumble. “You don’t have to bring the firetruck—”

My words are cut off by the wail of a siren on his end.

So much for that.

As I wait, I notice my phone has been blowing up in my pocket. I wouldn’t even have a phone—neither would Terrence or Jordy for that matter—if it weren’t for Cal getting his dad to put us on their family plan. We pay him ten bucks a month each for the added lines. Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without the added security of being able to call someone like Ms. Frazier if I need help with Roux or when I need a ride from one of my boys.

Unknown Number: This is Hollis.

I add the number in as “Rat,” and it changes all the texts from him, which are a lot.

Rat: Are you safe?

Rat: Do I need to come get you guys?

Rat: I know you hate me, but just reply, okay?

Rat: You don’t have to be a dick about it.

With a sigh, I reply.

Me: We’re fine. Get off my nuts, rat.

The dots move and stop. Move and stop. I smile, wondering what sort of flustered look he has on his face right now.

Rat: Do you need a ride to school tomorrow?

Fuck no. The whole reason I had him drop us off was so he didn’t get his car jacked by some thug. You can’t ride around in a car like his in my neighborhood. It’s a good way to put a target on your back. And if the fuckers who live at this apartment complex with us thought we had money, they might not let Roux and I just walk on by.

Me: I said back the fuck off. You’re not my girlfriend, though you do have dick sucking lips.

I’m being a mean bastard, but I don’t care. He needs to leave me the fuck alone. We’re not friends. Just because Ms. Frazier and I have our deal, it doesn’t mean he gets to saunter into my life and be a part of it.

Rat: Okay.

I’d expected fire back from him. More angry words. Maybe even no response at all. Anything other than okay. Such a defeated answer. I hate how guilt settles all around me like the smoke from the apartment—choking and tainting me.

The moment I hear the sirens, I tuck my phone away and let relief flood through me. Maybe they can clear us to go inside and then I can finally relax. It’s been a helluva long day.

Minutes later, three firemen show up. Mike, tall and burly, walks over to us. The other two firemen head into the apartment while he squats in front of where we’re sitting.

“Hey, kiddos. How’s it going?” He smiles at Roux. “Where’s your mom?”

I scoff at his question. “Who the fuck knows.”

His lips thin out and he glances down the hallway. “She at Popper’s?”

Popper’s. The topless bar down the street. Fucking gross.

“If she was, Alejandro would be home. They’re both out.” When Mom’s not flashing her tits for money, she’s laid up in bed with Alejandro. If they’re both gone, that means they’re off getting drugs together.

“I should call this in to CPS.”

I shoot him a nasty glare. “I’m eighteen, Mike. I’m looking after Roux. For fuck’s sake, don’t do that to me.”

He softens and sighs. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I just want to know who looks out for you, Roan. Sure as hell not your momma.” When I don’t respond, he stands. “I’ll check it out. I think you should be fine to stay, though I wish you wouldn’t.”

“If we can’t stay, I’ll call Cal’s dad,” I assure him, but it’s a lie. I only call Cal’s dad when I’ve called

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