Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,12

out as he storms down the hall and into Ms. Frazier’s office.

I stop him before he can close the door. “You’re just sad you won’t ever get a piece of this asshole.” I’m not one hundred percent sure he’s gay, but I have my suspicions.

He looks over his shoulder at me, affixing a smug grin I haven’t seen before on his face. In an agonizingly slow way, he makes a blatant show of skimming his gaze down my body and then back up again. He bites on his lip, not unlike how Sidney always does, and his eyes flash with heat. My dick fucking responds much to my horror.

“You wouldn’t be able to handle me anyway,” he says with such sure confidence, I’m left speechless.

The door slams shut, making me jump.

This rich prick has no idea who I am. He’s the one who wouldn’t be able to handle me. I’d dominate him in the bedroom. Make him quiver and cry. I’d make him beg for every single touch. I realize my dick is achingly hard and that I’ve been fantasizing about a roll in the sheets with fucking Hollis the rat.

What the fuck?

I’ve never even been with a guy, and if I ever entertained the idea, it sure as hell wouldn’t be with some prissy bitch like Hollis.

I’m sure of it.

It’s my dick that’s a little confused on the matter.

And unfortunately, I’ll have to tame the fucker in the shower. I just hope to hell I don’t beat off to the memory of Hollis’s parted lips. The image of them—plump, pink, and parted—briefly flashes in my head. My cock jolts in appreciation.

I am so fucking screwed.


Mom looks tired. Guilt coils itself in the pit of my stomach. She didn’t have to work back home. Life was easier for her. Now it’s too hard. We’ve barely gotten here and it’s too damn hard.

Aunt Karen busies the girls—including Roux—with setting the table. I stay out of her way and opt for tossing the salad while I clear my head. Mom sits at the table, watching the girls with a smile on her lips that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

I turn away, unable to witness her unhappiness any longer. I’m singularly focused on the salad when my body seems to come alive. I don’t have to look up to know it’s Roan. I can feel him and I don’t understand what to make of that. When I’d dated Lucas, one of my teammates back home, it’d been fun and flirty and hot. He was my first and only, sexually, and I really liked him, but he wasn’t the committed type. Since he was bi, and mostly swung toward females, it wasn’t something he wanted out there for the public knowing. Our entire relationship was a secret until he ended it not long before I came out as gay.

Seeing the picture of Lucas earlier in the attic hit me right in the stomach. I hate that I miss him, but I do. I’d give anything to see him right now, even knowing we’d never be lovers again. Today, more than ever, I crave the normalcy of my old life.

Aunt Karen introduces Roan to Mom, and no matter how much I try to ignore him, my eyes eventually creep his way. He looks too good dressed once again in his sweats and hoodie. For the girls, he smiles and it’s real. I don’t understand why he’s such a prick to me and nice to all of them. He sits down beside Roux and playfully pokes at her. It amazes me that Roan is more comfortable at my family’s dining room table than I am. It’s as though he fits in better than I do.

Shame floods through me. Had I just stuck to the mold, Mom and Dad might still be together. The girls wouldn’t have been uprooted. Aunt Karen wouldn’t have had her house taken over by four extra people.

“Everything okay, honey?” Mom asks, her palm at my back.

I jolt at her sudden nearness. “Yeah.”

“You look a little pale. Is your stomach acting up again?” Her concern for me makes my stomach roil violently.

“I’m fine,” I lie. “How was work?”

It’s her turn to look ill. “Great.”

Yeah right.

“It’s fine,” she assures me with a smile, her arm coming around me for a motherly hug. “I don’t like my boss, but it was the first day and we were busy. I’m sure it’ll get better.”

I lean my head against hers and enjoy the moment with my mother.

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