Honor Thy Teacher (Honor Series) - By Mummert, Teresa Page 0,39

mine.” She explained, leaning back against my desk. I grabbed my belt, wanting to bend her over it and plead with me to forgive her.

“I don’t owe you anything.” I struggled to keep my voice low so no one would become alarmed.

“I’m sorry. Did you say you are his wife?” Emma’s voice shook.

“Ex-wife” I replied before Abby could open her mouth. She nodded slowly but I could tell she was having trouble processing the new information. Only moments ago she was on the verge of ecstasy, now her heart was being crushed. Abby’s eyes burned into me. I had to clench my fists to keep from reacting. Abby, once one of the most beautiful women in the world in my eyes, now looked like a snarling animal. She was made ugly by greed.

“You really want your little secret getting out?” Her eyes danced between us. “Imagine what the other professors would say. Imagine…what your father would say.” She was as sick and twisted as she had been back then. She didn’t care about me or my happiness. I didn’t care about myself, but I would not let her hurt Emma.

“What is it that you want?” Emma struggled to sound more confident. Abby grinned at her but turned back to me.

“You know what I want but since that isn’t going to happen, a couple million oughta cover it. Don’t you think, Will?” Her smile grew wide but her eyes where dead.

“Where the hell is he going to get money like that?” Emma shot back, not letting Abby ignore her preseance.

“Fine” I replied, narrowing my eyes. Abby straightened, feeling as though she had won. “Then you get the fuck out of my life. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

“You have my number.” She winked at me, but it was for Emma to see. She shoved between us and left.

I glanced at Emma. Her eyes wide in shock. I stepped closer to her but she held up her hand in front of me.

“Don’t” She said. The word was like nails on a chalkboard. I struggled not to bend her over.

“It was a long time ago.”

“How long? You’re just out of college and she.. how old is she?” A million more questions lurked behind her eyes.

“She was my math teacher in high school.”

“And you…you married her?” Even her sadness…beautiful. I stepped closer to her.

“I loved her.” I confessed. I knew back then how to feel. That is why Abby was able to hurt me so badly. Emma looked like she was ready to collapse under the weight of my secrets. She leaned back on the desk behind her for support, then pushed her self passed me. I grabbed her arm, stopping her.

“I need to get out of here.” Her eyes watery and I knew she was using all of her strength not to let me see how hurt she was.

“I’ll go with you.” I searched her eyes for a moment before releasing her arm. I had to make sure she understood. I couldn’t lose her. I won’t lose her. I grabbed my things and went out to the parking lot to wait for her. No one could see us leave together.

As she came through the door I watched her every move. She was sad, her head hung, only glancing up to me for a second to meet my gaze. She got in her car and pulled out. I took a deep breath and followed behind her. Watching her in her mirror. I had to make her understand. I had to make her believe me no matter what the cost. No one was going to come between us. Not the school, not Jeff and certainly not fucking Abby. Emma was mine. Now that I had her nothing was going to keep us apart. Nothing.

Chapter Twenty-Five

As we pulled up to my place my heart began to race. What if she changed her mind? What if she told me to fuck off and never come around her again? I hit the button on my visor and the bay door opened. She slowly pulled her car inside. I glanced around at the empty road and pulled in after her, closing the door behind us.

I got out of my car and watched her slowly exit hers. I made my way over to the stairs, pausing for her to come closer. As she did, I walked up with her trailing behind me. Every step felt like I was getting closer to losing her. I opened the door and

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