Honor Thy Teacher (Honor Series) - By Mummert, Teresa Page 0,35

look at me. I struggled to regain my composure and begin the lesson. I prepared questions to engage the class and also to keep myself from fantasizing about her. I asked a few questions, all the while glancing in her direction. She continued to avoid my gaze and appeared to not even be listening.

“Emma…Emma!” I called out, breaking her from her daydream. She looked embarrassed as her eyes shot up and the class looked at her expectantly.

“What?” She asked, not bothering to hide her irritation with me. I deserved it but I didn’t like it. I bit back the urge to scold her, to tell her she needed to be punished. I had no right to say anything to her at all.

“Who exacted punishment on the rebels of the North of England referred to as ‘The Harrying of the North’?” I starred at her, not letting her look away from me. I wanted her to hear the word punishment and think of me. As her cheeks burned pink, I knew that she had. Her brain searched for an answer. An answer that I knew she didn’t have since I had her book all weekend. If she thought of me, of punishment she could put two and two together. Her eyes lit up as she did just that.

“William the conqueror?” She responded with a smirk. I had used ‘William the Conqueror as my contact name when I programmed my number into her phone.

“That is correct Ms. Townsend.” I bit back a grin. “Good girl” I made sure her eyes were locked onto mine as I said it. I knew what those words would do to her. She bit her lip as she flushed. I narrowed my eyes at her, staring at her mouth. Her pretty fuckable mouth. She released her lip immediately.

I broke away from her and continued to ask questions. My thoughts never left her though. I ran my hand over the edge of the desk where her fingers had gripped, holding it tightly while I punished her. I ran my hand over the buckle of my belt, which awarded me another lusty stare. My cock twitched and I had to discreetly adjust myself.

Time switched into hyper speed and before I knew it the class was emptying. I fought the urge to ask her to stay, knowing if I asked she would. She would want to please me. I licked my lips and glanced up in time to see her glance over her shoulder. She looked sad. I knew I was the cause of it.

I thought of nothing else for the rest of the day. I wanted to take away her pain. The pain I had given her.

I made my way to my car and waited for her to come out. She made small talk with her friends before sitting in her car alone. I couldn’t resist texting her. I wanted her to know that I was thinking about her.

You are incredibly beautiful, even when you’re sad.

She smiled and I felt my stomach tighten. Her face relaxed again and she knew that I was watching.

Is that why you broke my heart?

Her words cut through me with gut wrenching pain.

I would give anything to take back all of the pain I have caused you.

I watched her as a smile played across her lips.

Some of the pain we enjoyed.

She had no idea what she did to me. Reading words alone made me stiff, painfully so. I took a deep breath and fought the urge to take her in her car.

Go home Emma.

Angela was walking towards my car and I needed time to be alone with her. To threaten her. I glanced back at Emma who was glaring at me.


I gave her a stern look but had to focus on Angela. I got out of my car and greeted her, trying not to draw attention to us. Emma flew past us, speeding carelessly through the parking lot. I typed quickly, wishing I could go after her.

Slow down.

She sat at the light, waiting for it to change. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat as I waited. When it did she made sure I understood how upset she was. I cringed as her car lurched dangerously into traffic.

“So…” Angela said, her eyes downcast.

“Why the fuck have you been avoiding my calls?” I was livid. More so at Emma who was self- destructing before my eyes.

“I ha-haven’t” Angela replied in a hushed tone, searching the lot for anyone who was listening.

“We need to talk…some

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