Honor Thy Teacher (Honor Series) - By Mummert, Teresa Page 0,27

narrowed at the phone. I knew she was joking, but she had no idea how those words ripped through me. That was it, that was the push I needed.

Not funny. I can think of a few ways to punish you later.

I hit send and tossed the phone on the seat next to me. I drank again and closed the bottle before getting out of my car.

The building was quiet and no one from the outside knew what went on behind these walls. A place like this required an invitation. I had found it after I met a woman at a bar not far from here. She made me realize what I needed.

I stepped into the dark building, eying the women who sat on their knees waiting for someone to come and sweep them off their feet. My gaze fell on J, the receptionist who always greeted me with a warm smile. It was a small crime, and I had no excuse.

“Good evening, Sir.” She chimed like a bell. I gave her a quick smile, not wanting to make small talk. The alcohol was possessing me now and I just wanted to be numb. “The usual?” Her lips curved into a wicked grin. I nodded, and turned to make my way back the narrow hall. “Sir?” She called after me. I paused, turning back to face her. “If you’re up for something different..” Her voice trailed off. She motioned to the girls who sat waiting, patiently. “Or perhaps” She bit her lip as she traced the line of her cleavage with her finger, dipping below the neckline of her already low cut blouse. I turned away and continued down the hall. I placed my hand on the doorknob of room three and took a minute to steady myself. I had drunk more than I realized and it was hitting me harder than expected. I stepped inside and removed my shirt, kicking off my shoes at the same time. I stumbled but managed to keep my balance as I finished getting ready. The door creaked and I sunk to my knees. The weight of the world holding me down. The sound of high heels clicked across the hard floor.

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” She said as she walked around me. I didn’t look up. All I could see was her feet in impossibly high heels and her black stockings. “Needing another lesson?” There was amusement in her voice and it irritated the fuck out of me. She bent closer to me from behind, her hot breath on my ear.

Maybe today I teach you some discipline.” She purred. My lip twitched. Her hand pulled lazily over my shoulder as she rounded in front of me. “Maybe today I teach you pain.” Her finger tips on my chin, angling me up to look at her. My hand shot out and grabbed her wrist before I could think about what I was doing.

“I have more pain than you could give.” I said through gritted teeth. Her eyes held wide in shock as I forced her to look deep into mine. I held her tight as I rose to my feet. She sunk lower until her knees touched the floor, rocking back until she rested on her heels. I stood over her, her wrist tight in my grip. After a moment of silence she spoke.

“Yes, Master” The words sent a chill through my body. I released her and grabbed my clothes, shrugging them on quickly.

I made my way out of the building, not making eye contact with anyone as I went. I doubled over, resting my hands on my knees as I reached the cold nights air. I wanted to vomit; I was so disgusted with myself. I staggered back to my car and slipped inside, grabbing the bottle of alcohol. I took a long swig and waited for the burning to pass before picking up my phone.

Looking forward to it.

The text I had not waited to see from Emma flashed on the screen. She deserved better. I took another drink before typing out my reply.

You will be sorry you said that.

I knew she wouldn’t take it as the warning I had intended. I wasn’t strong enough to push her away. I took another drink, glancing at the half-filled bottle. I let my head fall back on the seat as I cranked the engine and let myself get lost in the music.

“I want to take my love and hate you till the end”

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