Honor Student - By Teresa Mummert Page 0,54

is Emma, my girlfriend. Emma, this is my father, Gerald Honor.” A light clicked in my head as I heard his father’s name. I had heard it and seen in printed on movie posters. He was an extremely successful director.

“Pleasure to meet you.” I nodded and smiled.

“I’m sure it is.” His chuckled and I realized what William was trying to warn me about.

“Well, come on down and greet your mother. She will happy to see you.” Just then an older woman with short curly hair stepped in from the front door.

“William!” She yelled and held out her arms for him. We made our way down the giant staircase and he gave her a long hug. I stood awkwardly off to the side, ignoring the fact that Gerald was looking me up and down.

“Who is this, dear?”

“Mom, this is my girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is my mother, Martha.” I smiled nervously and held out my hand.

“Pleasure to meet you, Emma.” She smiled sincerely at me and I felt a little more at ease.

“Enough of this. Let’s go eat dinner.” Gerald said, walking away from us. I glanced up at William who shot me an apologentic look. I grinned, trying to ease his worry.

We sat at the oversized table in silence as servers brought us our food.

“This looks amazing.” I smiled at the woman who had placed a plate in front of me. She smiled back, but her face went blank when her eyes caught Mr. Honor’s.

“That will be all.” He said coldly to her and she looked to the ground as she quickly made her way back into the kitchen. He shot me a glare and I looked down at my plate.

“So, who did you two meet?” Martha asked, as she took a sip of wine from her glass. William slipped his hand under the table and rubbed my knee.

“At Kippling.” He responded. His father held his glass at his mouth for a moment before taking a drink and setting the glass down forcefully.

“Well, I think that is nice. Don’t you, Gerald?” Martha was silently pleading with him to be kind. His eyes danced back and forth between us.

“I guess I should get the checkbook.” He said coldly and began to cut his steak. I felt the blood rush from my cheeks as William’s hand gripped my knee tightly. I felt sick. I slipped my hand on top of his and rubbed it soothingly. He muscled flexed under his jaw and I knew it was only a matter of minutes before he lost control.

“That won’t be necessarry Mr. Honor. I, unlike some, don’t put money over love.” I smiled at William who looked positively thrilled I had stood up for myself.

“Playing hard ball, are we? What will it take, two…three million.” He grinned and my blood began to boil. I laid my napkin on my plate and pushed my chair back to stand.

“I apologize, but I need to excuse myself. Mrs. Honor.” I nodded at William’s mother before walking out of the room. I heard William yelling and it echoed off the walls as I stormed up the stairs to get my things.

“Emma” William opened the door and rushed to my side.

“Get me out of here.” I was shoving my things in my bag as tears started to roll down my cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

“I’m so sorry.” He rubbed over my hair as he rocked back and forth. A small knock came at the door.

“Please don’t leave like this, William. We haven’t seen you in years.” Martha begged. She looked on the verge of tears herself.

“She’s not Abby.” He said, squeezing me tighter.

“I know.” His mother smiled, but her eyes full of sadness. “My William is a special boy. Please take good care of him.” I nodded and she turned to leave, pulling the door shut behind her. William ran his thumbs over my cheeks to wipe the tears away.

“Let’s get out of here.” He said quietly, kissing me on the forehead.

We rode in slilence as we made our way to the hotel. I stared out of the window, watching the lights flash by me. William was in a much better mood, considering his fight with his father. I could only assume that part of him had still been worried I would take the money and run without giving it a second thought. I hoped after tonight, that he wouldn’t doubt my feelings for him again.

Crawled onto the bed and curled up

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