Honor Student - By Teresa Mummert Page 0,49

eyes glanced down at my hand and back to me. I pulled it back, not wanting to press my luck.

“You can’t go over there. You are going to do something you regret!” I could feel the lump forming in my throat and I had to blink several times to keep my tears from falling.

“I’m not going to do anything to her. I just want to end this thing once and for all.” His eyes burned into mine. I bit my lip and stepped out of the way. “Lock the door. Do not let anyone in this fucking house. I don’t care if they are on fire. Do you understand?” He yelled. I nodded and followed him to the door. I watched him disappear down the steps through the peephole. I turned my back to the door and laid my head back against it as I slid to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest.

It felt like an eternity had passed since William left and I kept checking my phone to make sure it wasn’t dead. He hadn’t called or texted me and I was going out of my mind with worry. A rapid knock came at the door above my head. I nearly jumped out of my skin and crawled across the floor a few feet away from it. I turned around and watched as someone wiggled the handle and pounded louder.

“William?” Angela’s frantic voice called from the other side of the doorway. My phone vibrated on the counter and I jumped to grab it, afraid Angela would hear it.

It’s not Abby! I’m on my way!

I looked to the door and back to the phone. I typed as quickly as my shaking fingers fingers would allow.

Angela is here!!!!

Do NOT let her in!

I held the phone to my chest as her voice grew louder and more hysterical.

“I can hear you in there! Please, please let me in!” I bit my lip and walked towards the peephole. If Angela was the one writing the notes than I had no reason to pretend I wasn’t there. If I told her William wasn’t home, maybe she would leave.

“He-he’s not here!” I called out, my voice cracking. She grew silent for a moment then pounded again.

“Please, let me in!I’m going to die!” She shrieked. I stepped back. That was awfully dramatic, even for a woman scorn.

“Go away!” I yelled, trying not to sound scared. “I’m calling the police!” I tried to keep my voice steady. She pounded, rapidly and screamed on last time. After a moment the hallway was silent and I looked into the hole to see if she had left. Suddenly, an eye appeared staring back at me. It wasn’t Angela. I jumped back and put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. I was breathing so hard I thought I would pass out.

“Are you going to come out or do I have to find my way in?” His voice was menacing and it sent a shiver down my spine. He moved the handle to the door and slammed his body against it a few times, but the lock held. I grabbed my phone and called for William.

“H-he’s in the building..I think h-he killed her..don’t come in here!” I stuttered unable to keep from breaking down.

“Emma, calm down. Breathe. No one is here.” My heart lept into my throat. I slammed myself against the door and looked out. William stood, searching the area around the door, finding nothing out of place. Suddenly, the lit space behind him darkened.

“William!” I screamed. William spun around and the man hit him hard across the cheek. “No!” I yelled, helpless against the door. William recovered and swung hard towards the man. His fist connected and sent him stumbling backwards, but he caught himself just before falling down the staircase. Something caught William’s attention out of view and it was the perfect opportunity for the attacker to strike again. He hit William hard in the stomach causing him to double over and make a gut wrenching moan. William used his elbow to hit him in the ribs. He grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face into his knee. The man swung wildly, blood soaking his face. He connected a few times but William wasn’t about to give up. He kicked out in front of him, his foot landing square on the man’s chest, sending him flying down the steps to the landing below.

“She’s alive!” William yelled. I could hear him talking quietly

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