Honor and Desire (Gold Sky #3) - Rebel Carter Page 0,90

men of Gold Sky have been finding common ground more easily these days. There’s been a decided downtick in the number of duels and gunfights,” she finally said. Her mother burst into a hearty round of laughter, and the sound made Florence feel lighter after her argument with Deliliah. It was hard not to smile when her mother laughed as she did now, and before long, Florence was laughing along with her.

“Your act of civil service aside, of which Seylah and your fathers will be appreciative of, I have this advice for you, Flo.” Her mother’s voice was serious, her brown eyes contemplative as she looked at her daughter who was now wiping the mirth from her own face. She sat up and looked at her mother with a quick nod.

“I’m ready, Mama. What is it?”

“Do not force the connection. Find the place where love exists and ask for room.”

Florence blinked at that. “Ask for room?” She tried, not sure how the words were meant to be taken, but knowing that they sounded as confusing as she felt.

Julie nodded, sensing Florence’s confusion. “Yes, ask for room. Be patient in doing so, but find the love first. Take that with you tonight. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do,” Florence lied, hoping the words would make more sense on her walk to town. She stood from her seat and smiled at her mother who was beaming at her from where she sat. “I’ll ask for room.”

“And look for love,” Julie helpfully added.

Florence nodded. “Yes. Look for love and find it before anything else.”

“That’s my sweet girl. Now don’t take your argument with Delilah to heart. I suspect she’ll be along tonight. Enjoy yourself and apologize when you can to the other. I expect you at an appropriate hour.”

Florence pursed her lips. She hated appropriate hours and curfews, but she said nothing, instead opting for a quick bob of her head and a barely there: “Of course, mama.” She turned to go but, stopped. “I love you,” she said over her shoulder, looking back at Julie where the older woman sat with her book in hand.

“I love you too, Flo. Now go and find your loves. Tell Rosemary I said hello.”

Florence rocked back on her heels, hands tucked behind her back, as she surveyed the dance floor. It was being held in the grand hall of the town theater. The space was normally reserved for high profile events, such as speeches from the mayor or other elected officials, when they saw fit to have a gala, wedding receptions, and to celebrate any productions that came to Gold Sky. Florence remembered the construction of the building, she had been a girl of six, and there had been plenty in the town that had laughed at the efforts to bring such an ornate and delicate building to the town.

“This is a working town. Not a frilly city.”

“A waste of timber is what it is.”

Mrs. Rosemary had been undeterred in its construction. The snide comments of some townsfolk sliding away like water off a duck’s back. The woman was never one to be concerned with the opinions of others. She did as she pleased--always had and always would.

Florence was enthralled by her. She raised a hand and waved at Mrs. Rosemary when she spied her across the hall. Mrs. Rosemary’s blue eyes lit up, and she bustled across the room with arms outstretched.

“Flo, oh you look ravishing! I am so pleased we chose to go with this color. It suits you perfectly.” Mrs. Rosemary enveloped her in a tight hug. The smell of jasmine and cinnamon that was uniquely Mrs. Rosemary surrounded them, and Florence sank into the other woman’s embrace.

“You are a wonderful designer. It’s not difficult to look ravishing when you are the one dressing me.” She gave a little twirl which delighted Mrs. Rosemary to no end. She laughed and gave a little clap.

“It’s even easier to look skilled as a designer when the model is so lovely. You and all your sisters take after your mother. I could dress you all in plain linen and every man in this town would lose their hearts.”

Florence blew out a raspberry. “I am unconcerned with every man. I search only for two.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes, but I can’t seem to find a pair that are,” Florence looked out at the dance floor and paused. All around the walls of the hall were hung with ribbons and glittering streamers which were pulled into the front of the

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