Honor and Desire (Gold Sky #3) - Rebel Carter Page 0,88

see from the set of her sister’s shoulders, and the gleam in her eyes, that she was hatching a plan. But for what?

“To a social event.”

“Which social event would that be?”

Florence turned back to the mirror and smiled at her reflection. She looked lovely and fresh--perfect for drawing the eye of two suitors. It was what she wanted. Two suitors, and one way or another, Florence was going to get what she wanted.

She raised her eyes and smiled into the mirror. “Why a dance of course.”

It was common knowledge that a dance was the perfect setting for romance. Tonight more so as it was a very special dance. Tonight’s event was a singles dance. An opportunity for the unattached to mingle and enjoy an evening of frivolity. It would be the right atmosphere for casting her nets a little wider than she’d been previously afforded in her romantic efforts. Florence had been industrious, and was known for her enthusiasm in the pursuit of a goal, but for all her energy, there was little forward progress in her quest for two husbands.

“You cannot mean to entice two men into such an arrangement.”

“Such an arrangement?” Florence’s hands went to her hips and she pursed her lips. “It’s a dance, not some sordid crime ring, Delilah.”

“A dance? You really think I’m so naive as to believe that’s all you have in mind for tonight?”

“Yes, yes, I do.”

Delilah crossed her arms in answer, her sharp eyes missing nothing, so flinty was her sister’s gaze that Florence nearly buckled.

Nearly, but not quite.

Instead, she beamed at Delilah, gray eyes practically sparkling. “Unless the town-sponsored singles soiree intends to be the site for a nefarious syndicate, which it does not, then yes, it is just a dance. And I haven’t a clue what two men you are referring to.” Her voice was cool, even, it was the picture of collected respectability, but Delilah remained unconvinced. Florence abhorred her sister’s attention to detail.

“I know very well that you’ve been on a spree of getting acquainted with the eligible men in town,” Delilah said shaking a finger at her sister and making Florence frown.

“I wasn’t aware that I was expected to keep a nun’s hours. I am, after all, a woman in her prime.”

“You are, Flo, and I know what your preferences are in the way of matrimony. We all know that you wish for what our parents have, but you are going about it entirely wrong, and this dance will not fix it.”

Florence stepped back as if slapped and blinked rapidly against the prickling sensation of her eyes. She would not cry. She knew her sister was only looking out for her. Delilah always did, always would, in her role as the protector, the sternest and most serious of them all. But Flo did not want practicality and rational planning or forethought. Not tonight.

Tonight was about her heart and giving in to all the soft possibilities that came with believing in love. Florence rejected her sister’s logic, and instead, chose romance and drama. She chose the chance that she would meet her matches--two men with room in their heart for her.

“That is your opinion, and you are welcome to it.” She shook her head and smiled, pulling the drawstring of her evening bag tight over her knuckles as she continued to speak, feet moving her over the creaking floorboards of her room until she was at the door. “I intend to enjoy myself this evening, and I hope to see you there, Delilah. You might even have a bit of fun at such an event.”

Florence turned and left the room. Her parting words to her sister were meant to sting. They both knew it, and she bit her lip at having said them. Delilah was well aware of her penchant for severity, and it wasn’t kind to poke a sore spot she knew her sister to have.

The same could be said for Florence’s romantic nature. Her sister knew that truth, too. She sighed heavily, walking towards the door. Her dress no longer felt so grand, nor her steps as light. She had meant to leave earlier in the evening when her sister and fathers had been present, but she had been distracted at the thought of what wonder a carefully applied coat of rouge might do for her complexion. She wished she had left and avoided the discussion of tonight, and Florence’s marital preferences, all together.

She continued walking, mind swirling darkly around her conversation with Delilah, when a

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