Honor and Desire (Gold Sky #3) - Rebel Carter Page 0,78

never set her heart to racing or made her blood sing with desire. There had only ever been August in her heart and in her mind. The male figure was far too handsome to keep clothed, or at least it was when it came to August.

“I want to look at you,” she told him. Her dark eyes sweeping over him again eagerly. He was such a beautiful man, and he wanted her just as much as she did him.

August scoffed. “Not much to see.”

“You don’t understand women, August.” Seylah held a hand out to him. “Because there is entirely too much to look at when it comes to you.” She smirked at him when a blush colored his cheeks.

He ducked his head and cleared his throat. “Aw, hell, Seylah.”

She held out her hands to him. “Come here, August. I’m done looking.”

“Thank god,” he muttered coming to her then. “Because there’s only so much a man can take.” He swept her up against him, the sudden movement stealing her breath away as he claimed her mouth in a hungry kiss. He drew back and when she raised a questioning eyebrow he said, “Fair is fair. I like lookin’ at you too.”

She blushed and felt a wave of pleasure bloom in her chest at his words. “Then by all means, sir.”

August groaned shoving her back on the bed. “You’re perfect.” She gasped, her back hitting the mattress as she bounced slightly from the momentum. August pulled her towards him then, but this time he was between her legs, his hands on her hips pressing her down to the bed as he began to lick and kiss her thighs. A warm breath against her inner thighs was the only warning she received before she felt the first brush of August’s lips against the now throbbing bundle of nerves that was suddenly the center of her world.

“August!” She cried out as he continued to lick and kiss her. His mouth and tongue showing her a pleasure she hadn’t thought possible. Kissing August was wonderful, being in his arms made her feel complete, but this?

This was utter bliss.

“Take your pleasure, honey. Take it.” August’s fingers tightened on her hips as he moved them, encouraging her until she felt bold enough to chase her own gratification. Seylah raised her head and gasped at the sight of August between her legs. He was focused wholly on her, and she knew what she felt in this moment was just as rapturous for him. She shivered, hands tightening in the bed sheets as a wave of pleasure began to sweep up her body. From her toes to the ends of her fingertips--her body was singing with ecstasy.

On and on, that wave moved over her until it was a tide that was overflowing and crashing over her.

“August!” His name escaped her lips in a cry, and Seylah lost herself to her pleasure. She sagged against the bed for a moment but opened her eyes and reached for him. She could feel August pulling away and she would not have him leaving her, not so soon.

Not ever.

“I need you,” she told him. There was a heat in his eyes and August came forward with the barest touch of her hands.

“We don’t have to, Seylah.”

“I want to. I need you, August. Love me.”

He smiled down at her and raised a hand to brush her hair back from her face. “I already do.” He pushed her thighs apart and guided himself to her entrance. “Always have.” August’s hips moved forward, the head of his manhood thrusting into her and making Seylah gasp.

He kissed her softly, one hand going to catch her leg and lifting it to his side. August rocked into her once more, the gentle rhythm making her moan and move to mimic August’s movements. Sex was not a topic discussed or taught in polite company, but Seylah had been gifted with a mother who prided herself on ensuring her daughters were not confused and ill-prepared upon their first sexual intimacies.

But what her mother had not stressed enough was how enjoyable it was. Sexual intimacy with August was a gift, one that made her feel as if she were flying. Seylah hooked her leg around August and kissed him deeply, the kiss stealing their shared noises of bliss. August and Seylah moved together, their bodies fitting perfectly into one, until their movements lost the rhythm they had built and the couple found their release in the other.

“Seylah!” August’s held her tight against

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