Honeysuckle Season - Mary Ellen Taylor Page 0,49

few folks with nicer cars, but none were as new as any of these. She wiped the toes of her boots against her pant legs, wishing now she had been more careful to avoid the muddy spots as she walked around this morning. Good Lord, if Johnny could see her now driving such a fancy car, he would be tongue-tied.

“You ladies will take the Pontiac.” Edward fished a set of keys from his pocket. “Today, it might be wise to stay on the property and get used to the automobile.”

“I thought we were going into Charlottesville?” Olivia said. “I hoped to do some shopping.”

“Safety is more important. I don’t feel right about turning you two loose on these roads unless I’m certain you’ll be safe. Driving can be very dangerous.”

“Depends on how fast you go,” Sadie said. “Or the roads. If we take it slow and easy, it won’t be dangerous at all, especially in a fancy car like this.”

A hint of disappointment flickered in Olivia’s gaze. “See, Edward, there’s nothing to worry about. Sadie is going to treat me like I’m a fragile egg. We won’t take any unnecessary chances.”

Edward opened the car door and got behind the wheel. “I don’t have time to argue. I almost lost you once, and I won’t risk it again.”

She squeezed his hand. “We’re far from London and the bombs here in Virginia.”

A smile flicked the edge of his lips as he seemed to realize his beautiful wife was right, though he wouldn’t admit it. “I’ll show Sadie the basics of driving, and then I’ll leave you two to drive up and down the driveway. Don’t leave the property.”

“We shall observe all safety protocols,” Olivia said.

Sadie tugged off her glove and ran her hand over the cold metal. “Can I get inside?”

“I don’t see how you’re going to drive it if you don’t.” Edward got out of the car.

Sadie slid behind the wheel, amazed how polished leather smelled so good. Johnny kept his truck clean, but once a hound dog or chickens rode inside, there was no getting the smell out of it.

She smoothed her fingertips over the white wheel, wondering how far she could drive in a car like this. She bet she could make it all the way to New York City or maybe California.

Sadie pulled out the choke button to her right and turned the ignition key. The engine roared to life. It did not cough, sputter, or complain but hummed.

She climbed out and opened the back door. “Miss Olivia, why don’t you have a seat, and I can take us for a spin.”

Miss Olivia looked at the empty back seat. “I would rather ride up front. I shall be able to see better.”

“Sadie, you won’t drive too fast,” Edward warned.

“No, sir,” she said as she closed the back door. “I’ll drive her like I would my mama.”

“Very well; then I’ll observe for a moment and then leave you to it.”

Sadie was back behind the wheel and closing her door as Edward crossed around the front of the car and held Olivia’s door for her. He closed it carefully and then stepped back a safe distance.

Olivia settled in her seat. “I’ve ridden in dozens of cars. None ever felt too fast for me.”

Sadie released the brake, pushed in the clutch, and shifted into first gear. “Then you weren’t driving with the right person.”

Olivia laughed. “Try to be restrained around Edward, or he’ll never leave.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Sadie pressed the accelerator as she eased up on the clutch until the gear engaged, and they inched their way out of the barn. She kept on driving, shifting gears so smoothly she nearly giggled.

She drove around the house and past her old truck, which now seemed a little sad to be left behind. After going around the circular driveway, they made their way to the end of the long driveway.

After ten minutes of them navigating the driveway, Edward backed the coupe out of the barn. He pulled up beside them, and he and Sadie rolled down their windows. “You ladies look like you have it under control.”

“No need to worry about us. We’re fine. Don’t work too hard, dear.”

Edward’s gaze bore into Sadie. “Be careful.”

“Yes, sir.”

They waited as he drove past, the muddy earth spitting off his back tires.

“Give it a few more minutes,” Olivia warned. “Edward might double back.”


“To make sure we’re being safe.”

“We are.”

“I want to go to Charlottesville,” Olivia said.

Sadie downshifted, rolling around the circular driveway, back toward the long driveway. “We

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