Homecoming King - Jami Albright Page 0,78

You need to apologize to Kayla.” I put as much reprimand in my voice as possible.

“What? I’m not apologizing to a rude kid.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Listen, Elva, I told Tiger you’d agreed to sell the land the rec center sits on to me. She got upset and rushed over here in a futile attempt to get you to change your mind.”

Elva turns concerned eyes to mine. “Oh, darlin’, I’m afraid you wasted a trip, but you’re both welcome to stay for supper.” She glances at Cash, who’s smiling like my world hasn’t just come crashing in on me. “We have enough, don’t we, Cash?”

“More than enough.”

I ignore him and kneel in front of Elva. “But you said you’d continue with the lease on the land as agreed.”

She pats my clammy face. “I’m sorry, Tiger, but it will be better in the long run if I sell the land. Cash helped me see that it’s a lot to take care of, and it would be better to have it off my plate.”

I whirl around on Cash and spear him with a look so vicious I’m surprised his skin doesn’t melt away. “How could you?”

A hand lands on my shoulder. Brad. “I know you’re disappointed, Tiger, but it’s the best thing for the town. The resort will create hundreds of jobs for the citizens of Ryder.”

“Oh,” Elva chuckles. “I guess you don’t know. No, how could you?”

“Know what?” Brad asks.

“I’m going to sell to Cash. Can you believe he showed up here and offered me twice what you did, and he was nice enough to have the papers emailed to me, so it’s a done deal.” She motions around the room. “This is our celebration dinner.” She gives Brad a sheepish look. “I’m sorry, Mr. Mayor, I was going to tell you tomorrow.”

“You … you … What?”

“I’ve sold the land to Cash here.”

I have to hold onto Elva’s chair to keep from tipping over. I glance at the millionaire quarterback, and he winks.

Good Lord.

“Elva, you can’t mean it.” Brad’s practically begging.

“I’m sorry, Mayor, but I do.” She runs her hand down Kayla’s head. “How can I take away the place these kids have to congregate and learn? I won’t do it.”

“Surely there’s something I can do to change your mind.” Brad begins pacing the kitchen. “I’ll triple my offer.”

“She’s already signed the papers, Watson.” Cash steps in his path. “It’s over.” The quarterback shakes his head. “That always was the problem with you, never could get across the finish line.”

“You … You’ll hear from my lawyer tomorrow.”

“I look forward to it. Now, are you staying for dinner or not?”

Brad jerks his suit into place and straightens his tie. “No.” Then he turns and storms out of the house.

I still haven’t spoken, but tears are spilling over my eyelids. “Thank you,” I say to the room at large. I don’t know if I’m thanking Cash, Elva, or God—probably all three.

“Well that was more fun than I’ve had in a while.” Cash is grinning like a raccoon in a bin full of garbage.

I point my finger and try to appear stern, but it’s impossible with how awed I am by this man. “You’re bad.”

“You have no idea.” Perfectly white teeth sparkle behind open, upturned lips that I know have sold a gazillion sneakers.

Okay, now I’m totally turned on with Elva, Kayla, and the Twinkies sitting next to me.


“Miss Tiger, do you want to color with us?” one of the Twinkies asks.

Without looking away from Cash, I say, “In a minute, Marci. I need to speak with Cash first.”

“Coach Cash,” Kayla interjects.


“He told us to call him Coach Cash.”

“That’s right,” he says and holds out his fist. Kayla bumps it with her own. “And this kid is one of my best athletes.”

The girl’s hazel eyes gleam against her light brown skin. “Really?”

“Are you kidding me? You showed those boys how it was done today.”

The poof of her ponytail bobs as she ducks her head, but not before I see the pink stains on her cheeks. “Thanks.”

My gaze finds Cash, and a million things are in the look he’s giving me.

“I … um … I told the kids that I’d help them with some drills during the afterschool program. I hope that’s alright.”

I shake my head because I can’t possibly have heard him correctly. “You told them …”

“That I’d run some drills with them after school.” He turns back to the spaghetti sauce and stirs.

I move to stand next to him

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