Homecoming King - Jami Albright Page 0,102


His only response is to peel his sports coat off and yank his shirttail out of his slacks.

“I’m waiting.” Even though I know he can’t, I want more than anything for him to be able to explain this away.

“Because …”

I put my hand behind my ear and lean his way. “What’s that? I didn’t hear you.” I know I’m being a jerk, but I’m the injured party here.

He loosens his tie and yells, “Because I’m not Brad.”

For some reason, those four words slice my heart completely open. “I know.” I can’t control the tremor in my voice or the tears that pool on my lower lashes. “Or at least that’s what I’ve wanted to believe, but what you did tonight tells a different story. I thought I knew who you were …” I curse the hiccupped sob that escapes and hangs between us.

“Are you kidding me? You would actually compare me to him?”

“Tell me how what you did is any different from what he did to me for years.” I furiously swipe at a tear that escaped its borders. “I mean, I didn’t even recognize you today. I kept thinking, who is this man.”

His teeth clamp down on his lower lip, and he shakes his head. “You know what, Tiger?” He slaps a hand to his chest. “I know who I am, where I came from, and where I belong, and I don’t need this from you.”

The steel of his comments dries up every unshed tear and cauterizes the gaping wound in my broken heart. “No, actually, you have no idea who you are, but that’s your problem.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re Cash King, the boy who saved his mom, the man who changed his life, and who’s made a ragtag bunch of kids feel like they can do the same thing. That’s the man I’ve always wanted. But you’re so invested in being that guy in the owner’s suite that you can’t see any of that.”

“You don’t get to judge me.” He spreads his hands out like he’s showing off the room. “Look around you. This doesn’t come free. I’ve worked my ass off for everything I have. You’re right I changed my life, and you have no idea what I stand to lose.”

“Yeah, I do.” I heave my overnight bag onto my shoulder. “Me.”

I turn and leave, and don’t look back.

He doesn’t follow.

I knew he wouldn’t.



“Mom, thanks for bringing these things to me.” I take the bag she’s carrying and loop it over my shoulder.

She pushes past me into the living room of my Fort Worth home. “Not a problem.” I can hear the suspicion in her voice right now, just like I could when I called her this morning and asked if she’d go by Wayland Estate, pack my bag, and bring it to me. “Though, I don’t know why you couldn’t get Tiger to bring it to you, or go get it yourself.”

“You know I can’t leave Fort Worth now that I’m back with the team.” A slight exaggeration, but close enough.

The team doctor released me yesterday, and I worked out with the team this morning. Was it horrible taking snaps after McKay? Yes, but I have experience on my side. I just need to bide my time, and the rookie won’t be able to handle the pressure. Especially during the playoffs, which start this Sunday.

“And Tiger? I didn’t see her at the house when I stopped by to gather your belongings.” She sits back on the sofa with her legs tucked in beside her. Apparently, she’s settling in for a long conversation. “Oh, but Donny was there. He told me to give you this.” She reaches into her purse that’s sitting beside her, withdraws a key, and hands it to me. “He also said to tell you that you’re an idiot.” Her elbow rests on the back of the sofa and she props her head in her hand.

The accusation finds its mark, and I flinch. The key in my hand cuts into my palm as I clench my fist. “What’s this?” I ask, but I know.

“The key to the pool house.” She pats the sofa. “Come sit with me.”

“I wish I could, Mom, but I’ve got hours of film to watch before this weekend.”

She doesn’t say anything, but she doesn’t have to. The look she wears says it all.

Damn it. I take a seat at the opposite end to her. I don’t want her to be able to smell the misery rolling off of me.

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