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should discard immediately unless you want your whole life to unravel.”

“If you must exact some kind of vengeance on someone for a perceived slight, I’m the one you should turn your attention to; you may stand a better chance of me not destroying you as I am the one you had dealings with. But her, if you so much as breathe her name again, I won’t let you off. This is not a warning; it’s not even a promise; it’s a given. Tread very carefully. You may leave.”

Though she looked like she had a lot to say, she stomped out of the room without uttering a sound. I wasn’t worried about her defying me. Though she’s not privy to much about my personal life, she knows enough to know what I’m capable of and that I never go back on my word.

I’d been looking towards the door, watching her leave, when I felt Samantha’s hand on mine. She pulled me up from my chair in haste. “Where are we going?”

“After that performance, you have to ask? Let’s hurry before I do you in the hallway.” She pulled me from the office and down the hallway past her detail and mine and into the secret elevator that led upstairs to our home for now.

True to her word, the doors had barely closed behind us when she pushed me back against the wall and climbed me to get to my lips. Just that quick, I was in the game, my anger turning to desire in a split second, and by the time the doors rolled open on the penthouse floor, I had taken control.


“Where did you go?” Oops, I forgot all about him on my trip down memory lane. “What the fuck, Samantha, what are you thinking about to put that look on your face?”

“What, nowhere, nothing.” I tried not to squirm on my seat. My thoughts had worked me up, and the room felt like someone had turned the heat on hell.

“So, I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

“No, I’ll be there tomorrow.” Well, aren’t we huffy!

“What, but that wasn’t the plan.”

“That’s too damn bad. You should’ve thought of that before you answered your phone, sounding out of breath and now sitting there with that just fucked look on your face.” If he gritted his teeth any harder, they’d turn into dust.

I forgot how well he knows me after just a few short months. “Stay out of my head, you damn nerd; I was thinking about riding that canon you call a dick that’s why I look flustered…oops.” Dammit, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. He’s been dying to know what I call his dick ever since I told him I had a nickname for it, but I was holding that little nugget close to the vest.

“Canon is it? I’m not sure that’s quite accurate.”

“That’s because you’re not the one being fired at with that thing.” More word vomit, but what’s the point of trying to curtail that shit at this point?

“So now you know, can we please stick to the program?”

“No, that’s all the more reason for me to come to you now. Besides, I miss you. Your side of the bed is too cold.”

I didn’t want him to see how much his words pleased me, so I pretended an interest in my nails. My nerd and I have this thing where neither of us wants to give in to the other too soon. After the first I think I love yous, we’ve both been doing our best to one-up the other in the show but don’t tell stakes, though he has way more to make up for than I do.

He’s made it a point to do things with and for me that he hadn’t done with Lisa or anyone else. I hadn’t come right out and told him, and he never asked, but I guess my attitude towards the whole thing had tipped him off to what I expected from him going forward.

That’s why a few days after that debacle in the lingerie store, I came home only to be ushered back down to his office, more precisely to the little sitting room off of his office, complete with a bathroom and an eating area. There were two women standing there looking like they had sticks shoved up their ass, and if their noses got any higher, they’d be smelling some angel’s butt.


“What?” Oh damn, I did it again. I’m over being embarrassed by

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