Home For The Holidays - Jordan Silver Page 0,34

see what’s going on with dinner.” Huh? I caught the shirt he threw at me, looking at it like it was a foreign object. What the heck has gotten into him anyway? Ever since we left the bathroom, he’s been giving out orders like a general with his troupes. Not only that, but he’s been acting as if I’m the walking wounded.

Granted, that monster schlong of his did some damage, but nothing that won’t heal itself in a day or two. I’m sure he’s right that I should’ve waited for round two, but I think some part of me just needed to tame that beast after he knocked me out, just to put us back on even footing, but the truth is I’m still nowhere near there yet since he won that round too.

I need to get back to the safety of my dorm room so I can think; I can’t do that with his hotness right beside me. I’ve had a heck of a time dealing with him all week and doing my best not to let on just how much he was getting to me, but I’m not sure how well that’s going to go over after tonight. Especially now that I think I’m addicted to that thing, he calls a penis.

I felt a shiver run down my spine just thinking about it. The length and width that fills me the way I never imagined anything could, and that sweet burn. In some odd way, the pain I feel from him stretching me is almost as good as the pleasure. I dropped down on the side of the bed when my knees gave out. Oh yeah, he let the cat out of the bag, alright.

Even now though I ache, I want to feel him inside me again. It’s the strangest thing, but I feel almost as if I’ll never be able to live without that sensation again, like a drug. Maybe this is how everyone feels after their first time, but somehow I don’t think so. I don’t know the first thing about it since no one has ever shared such a thing with me, but from the few snippets I’ve heard here and there, it’s supposed to be a bloody mess that’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

So I have no reason for my own reaction other than maybe all the emotion involved. In the last few days, I’d started noticing a difference in myself whenever I’m around him. For one, I get wet as soon as I see him. I spend the whole time that we’re together in some kind of need, feeling on the edge, and our make-out sessions had barely been enough to take the edge off.

When I leave him at night and go back to the dorm, I always feel like something’s missing, and that feeling doesn’t leave until I see him again the next day. Just hearing his voice can make me weak, and now that I’ve had him inside me, I doubt I’ll be able to go one day without having him there over and over again. The ache is like a growing hunger that, once fed, only seems to want more.

If that’s not enough, he’s not acting at all the way I expected him to. I wasn’t kidding when I said I expected the Jared Macalister described in the news to be an A-one nerd. But if he’s that, they’re not making them like they used to. He for damn sure isn’t built like one, and I’ve seen the home gym he uses to keep that body of his in great shape. Before tonight I’d only seen his chest since he refused to let me explore while he did all the touching. Now I can’t get the image of his eight pack and those arms that look like they’d been honed from steel that feels so good around me out of my mind.

Oh boy, I think I might be in trouble here. Just thinking about his body made me twitchy, and I felt a trickle of something leak out between my thighs. A mad dash to the bathroom took care of that for now, but I’m thinking if half of what he left inside me oozes out, I’m going to need a diaper. There it goes again, that sweet ache that only he can ease. I closed my eyes and waited for the feeling to pass.

How could I have gone from not caring about sex in the least to

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