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the way, I still am not sure what that thing is in his pants no matter what he says.

I did warn him that it might not be safe to keep his pet snake in there, to which he’d laughed and squeezed the life out of me. I got the sense that he sees me as some sort of comic relief as much as he laughs at the things I say and do. At least we’d graduated from him giving me odd looks.

I’d barely slept a wink that first night, still mulling over the decision I made and whether or not it was the right thing to do. I’d said as much to Jared right before I left, and his answer should probably have sent me running hard in the opposite direction but somehow, the more assholish his words, the more drawn to him I seem to be.

His answer when I questioned whether or not it was smart to get involved with him was that since he’d gotten a taste of me, the choice was no longer up to me. In fact, his very words were, and I quote, ‘you don’t have to worry about that any longer. If it makes you feel better, just tell yourself that I took the decision out of your hands. Since you’re too young and afraid to handle a grown-up relationship, I’ll just take the reins.’

I’d messed up and let slip that those were the two things bothering me. Of course, every argument I had had been knocked back until I just gave in, not like he gave me any choice. The next day after my last class of the day, I got a text telling me that his car will be waiting for me. To test his knowledge, I sent one back saying I had another class, to which he sent me my entire schedule back with a terse, ‘don’t make me have to come get you.’

And that, as they say, is that. That was the beginning of the best three and a half months of my life. A time that seemed to fly by as pleasure-filled as it was. By the end of our first week together, I was saying silent prayers of gratitude for the fact that I’d held out, that I’d saved myself even though I had no idea who or what I was saving myself for.

Jared seemed totally fascinated with my virginity, something he brought up more than once that first week. He seemed to think that it was something he now had to protect from the rest of the male population, and no matter how much I reminded him that I’d been the one safeguarding it all my life, that didn’t seem to work for him. That was the beginning of his bratty behavior and how I ended up sleeping in his bed.

My whole body heated, and I had to squeeze my thighs together as scenes from that night flashed through my head. It had been exactly one week and a day since we’d met. We were in his apartment as usual, where I’d been every day after class at his insistence.

We were in the middle of one of our hot and heavy make-out sessions that always left me feeling needy and achy, to the point that I was the one who’d begged him to just take my virginity and get it over with on day three. He’d laughed it off then and whispered that we should wait and give me more time. To which I’d argued that I didn’t need more time.

That night when I once again told him I was ready, in fact, I’d gone past ready to something way more pressing, and he once again rebuffed me, I’d jokingly or not so jokingly told him that since he keeps revving me up and leaving me high and dry, I was just going to find the next cute guy on campus and let him finish the job.

That is a mistake I won’t ever make again in my life. Not unless I want to get choked out again. Then again, my nerd is so sexy when he’s pissed that I just might risk it again. No sooner had those words been out of my mouth than I found myself on my back on his couch with him looming over me and his hand around my throat.

“Say it again; I dare you.” At first, I thought he was playing around. I’d learned in the past week that he has

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