Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,95

front door, hollering for Jolene to stop.

Her friend turned. “Hey, your meeting’s already over? I was about to take a speed walk. Wanna come?”

Cassie hurried to Jolene and grabbed her hand, leading her back to the house.

“Where are we going? Cassie, do not tempt me with one of Mimi’s German chocolate cakes or Dutch apple crisps. I started walking this week to try and drop a few pounds and I don’t need any excuses to stop. Not with Kimmel breathing down my neck.”

“This is better than dessert, Jo. Trust me.”

Cassie brought Jolene into the room, straight to Sandy. He walked around her, frowning, nodding, talking to himself under his breath. Jolene shot Cassie a puzzled look but Cassie waved it away.

“Well?” Cassie asked.

Sandy placed his hands on Jolene’s shoulders. “How would you like to play Katelyn?”

Astonishment dawned on Jolene’s face. “You mean . . . you actually mean . . . we’re talking Katelyn, right? The one who gets—”

“Yes,” Sandy interrupted. “You’re perfect for her.”

Jolene looked dazed a moment and then quipped, “Well, fuck a duck. I never thought about acting before but isn’t that what I do?” She looked to Cassie for reassurance. “Don’t I get up there and play different parts in my routine? I could really do this.”

Cassie agreed. “I hadn’t thought about it before but you’d be super, Jo.”

Jolene thought a minute. “So, like, do I do some kind of screen test? Read with Rhett?”

Sandy shook his head. “You have natural talent, Jolene. Listening to you speak now, I have no doubt you could play this character.”

She frowned. “I just get the role?” She looked to Cassie. “Can he do that?”

She smiled. “He can do anything, Jo. Sandy Sanderson’s our director.”


One year later . . .

“Do I look okay?”

Cassie snapped the small evening purse shut. She walked to Rhett and ran a hand down the arm of his sleek Armani tuxedo.

“You look fantastic, Corrigan.”

Rhett flashed a cocky smile. “I know. Just fishing for a compliment from my girl.”

Despite the accolades he’d received playing Rick Farmer, she knew Rhett still faced moments of doubt.

“Why don’t you tell me how nice I look, Mr. Best Actor nominee?”

Rhett looked Cassie up and down. “Hmm. Body-hugging emerald green dress that makes your hair and skin pop. Slit up to there showing off your amazing legs. Killer stilettos.”

He moved a step closer and picked up her hand. “A bling ring that’s only slightly less dazzling than your smile.”

Rhett paused. “Wait a minute. Something’s missing.”

Cassie laughed. “No way. The legs are shaved, Tanya did a terrific job on my hair and makeup, and the mani and pedi are the best I’ve ever had. Face it, Corrigan. You’re seeing me at the top of my game. It’s all downhill from here.”

He pulled a slender box from his jacket pocket. “I think this might complete the picture.”

Her eyes misted over. She took the jewelry box and gruffly said, “If you make me cry and mess up my mascara, you are so dead.”

She opened it and saw diamond earrings. Besides her engagement ring, she’d never owned anything so lovely.

“They’re . . . I don’t know what to say.” Cassie swallowed hard. “I love them.”

“Put them on.”

She did, her hands trembling. “How did I get so lucky?”

Rhett shrugged. “Beats me.” He gave her a wicked grin. “When the red carpet reporters asks where they’re from, you get to say there all yours, babe. No borrowing from Fred Leighton in this family.”

Cassie laughed. “Okay, sentimental moment just flew out the window as we plot what to say to E! News on the red carpet.”

She kissed him. “Thank you. I will treasure these forever.”

He cupped her cheek. “I’ll cut you a deal. Every time you get a nomination for Best Screenplay, I’ll buy you a little trinket.”

“You’re on.”

“I think it’s time to hit the limo.”

Cassie followed Rhett down the stairs, still feeling like Cinderella at the ball. She had a fiancé she loved, an Oscar nomination for her first screenplay effort, and they were about to attend the most glamorous night Hollywood offered with their best friends. No matter what the outcome, Cassie was living the good life.

Waco, Texas seemed a far and distant nightmare to her. Even the lean years in Hollywood before Rhett didn’t matter anymore. Rhett made her believe in herself and Cassie realized that screenwriting would be her future. Nothing, other than being with Rhett, gave her such a natural high. Writing and Rhett completed her. She would never take either for granted.

They met

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