Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,7

cop whipped out his phone and stepped next to Rhett. Cassie watched as he took a picture. The cop beamed, while Rhett looked dark and dangerous.

“Thanks, Rhett!” the cop exclaimed.

“Can we step inside, Officer Malone?” Rhett asked. “My agent’s office is in this building. We can give you all the particulars and avoid this crowd. Enough of the footage will wind up on Entertainment Tonight as it is.”

“Lead the way, Mr. Corrigan. I’m all yours.”

Cassie found herself being propelled inside the building. She glanced at the address on the granite wall as they entered. She put two and two together and knew Rhett’s agent and her interview would be the same place.

“I am so screwed.”


“That’s all I’ll need for my report,” Officer Malone said. “Sorry to have met you under such circumstances, Mr. Corrigan. Miss Carroll.”

The policeman exited the first-floor conference room they’d been taken to by building security for privacy. Rhett watched Cassie wring her hands, tears welling in her eyes, as reality sank in.

“Miss Carroll—”

“Cassie, please. Since I’ll be writing you a check a month for the rest of my life, we might as well be on a first-name basis.” She pushed her hands into her hair. “Why would I tell the world’s highest paid movie star I’ll call him by his first name? I think slamming into your convertible scrambled my brains.” She shook her head. “And for the zillionth time, I do apologize, but I couldn’t hit that dog.”

Rhett waved the apology away. “Don’t worry, Cassie. You won’t have to sign your life away to me. I’m sure insurance will pay for all this.”

“My rates will go sky-high, especially after that last ticket I got. I’d give them my firstborn, but I don’t have any kids and no prospects since I haven’t had a date in six months. No, it’s been seven now. How pathetic is that?”

“An attractive woman like you? No dates?”

Cassie flushed at his intent stare. He thought no one in Hollywood blushed anymore. Funny, but Rhett found it charming. He found this unfiltered woman charming.

She laughed. “Yeah, right. My suit’s torn. I’ve cried off most of my makeup except for the mascara that I’m sure is streaking down my cheeks. I never even got my tights on for the interview. And now I’ve got to go upstairs to Merriman Smith and tell them why I’m ninety minutes late—looking like this.” She shrugged. “My entire life is a walking disaster.”

Rhett smiled sympathetically. “I can go upstairs with you and put in a good word.”

Cassie snorted. “I would hit the car of America’s Favorite Movie Star in front of his agent’s office. I remember you saying that now. Of course, you’re a Merriman Smith client.”

Rhett could see Cassie working herself up. “You think I would get a second chance at an interview, much less be hired by Merriman Smith, after I totaled your car? It won’t matter that I type a hundred words a minute and am a whiz at anything dealing with technology. Or that I’ve worked for a supposedly reputable agent for two years now. Who, by the way, is usually drunk or coked out of his mind since his third wife left him, so I basically run his office for him. Will Merriman Smith care? No—because I bashed Mr. Superstar’s car.”

Cassie expelled a loud breath. “It doesn’t matter.” She opened her purse, popped a Tic Tac, and faced him with fire in her eyes. “I am not a quitter. I haven’t got any choice. I always follow through. It’s something I’ve always done. I can’t think about putting on new lipstick even if it’s my favorite shade because that would mean looking in a mirror. That alone would make me run from the building screaming.”

She stood and shook his hand. “You have been extremely patient and understanding, despite the fact that I have sounded and acted like a crazy woman during our brief time together. I’m sorry we met under such circumstances, but I’ve got an appointment to keep.”

Rhett watched her begin to limp away. “Wait.”

Cassie turned, frowning at him. “Don’t stop my momentum, Corrigan, or else I might chicken out.”

He flashed her a grin. “I’ll ride up with you.”

They walked to the bank of elevators. Rhett pushed the up button, and it dinged immediately. He let Cassie step in first and followed behind.

“So, who’s your interview with?”

“Irving Stromberg. He’s absolutely one of the best in the industry. Left Dilberg Associates to help start Merriman Smith. I think this will be

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