Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,49

cares what Randi thinks?”

Cassie glanced over at Rhett. His jaw was set in stone and his gray eyes flashed with smoldering anger.

“The press already knows you’re an item,” she pointed out. “If you show up at the premiere with me, even though I’m a nobody, it’ll simply add fuel to the gossip pyre.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to be with Randi anymore. In fact, I think I should have my head examined for hooking up with her in the first place. She’s been the biggest mistake I’ve made—and I’ve made my fair share.”

Her insides fluttered. “You’re breaking up with her?”

“The minute she gets back. I don’t believe in break-up by text or else I would’ve done it already.”

Cassie slugged him in the arm without thinking. “Corrigan, that’s plain stupid on your part. Randi’s out of the country, she’s looking forward to getting back and spending the holidays with you, she’s expecting a fabulous present, and you will totally hit her out of left field. You don’t break up with a woman at Christmas, much less leave her stranded with no New Year’s date.”

“Women shouldn’t expect some fabulous present. Not if they really love a man.”

Cassie heard a bitter tone in his words. “You don’t think Randi loves you?”

Rhett snorted. “Not a bit. The only thing Randal James loves is herself and lots of publicity, be it good or bad.” He grabbed Cassie’s arm and stopped her progress.

“I will admit I was foolish enough to let a nice piece of ass distract me but I don’t love Randi. I found out pretty quickly I don’t even like her. She’s the most self-centered woman in Hollywood. Believe me, she’ll milk all the publicity out of this break-up that she can get. Why should I drag her through the holidays and expose my family to her selfishness when I have no intentions of staying in a relationship with her?

“I would’ve done this before but Randi zipped out of town pretty fast,” Rhett continued. “And I mean it. I need to speak to her in person. I owe her that much.”

“You sound pretty sure that’s what you want to do.”

Determination showed in his eyes. “I am. I’ve reached an age where I hope I’m mature enough to live my life doing what I want to do. What’s the right thing to do. I’ve learned I can’t please everyone but I can please myself.”

Rhett’s words got Cassie thinking.

Suddenly, she knew what she really wanted to do, too.


Cassie showered after their run and puttered into the kitchen to make coffee.

Breck beat her to it. He must have overnighted with Jo.

He sat at the table, a frown on his face, a pencil tapping a piece of paper, as she entered the room.

“Morning, Breck. Thanks for making coffee.”

He jumped like a bee had stung him. “Oh, hey, Cass.” He quickly folded the paper and went to the refrigerator. “Want me to get you some juice? There’s apple and orange.”

“No.” She poured a cup of coffee and added sugar and creamer before taking a seat.

“What’re you working on?”

Breck sat, his hands covering the page in front of him.

“Nothing much,” he said, a little too nonchalantly. “Making a list of errands. Things that need to get done before Jo and I head to see her folks.”

“Hmm.” Cassie sipped her coffee, studying him over the rim. “Whose name did you draw in the Corrigan gift exchange?”

Breck opened the page and scribbled something. “One more present I need to shop for before we leave.”

“That’s okay. Rhett didn’t think you’d bought anything yet. I’m going to be taking your place Christmas Day. Tell me whose name you drew and what they might like.”

Breck made a point of opening the page again and scratching through what he’d written. “That’s great. One less thing to buy. Uh, you’ll need to get Nadine something. Scarlett sort of drew her name but she thinks her mom hates everything she gets for her, so I traded with her. With me shopping for her, Nadine’ll have low expectations anyway.”

“How would she know you have her name? I thought things like this were supposed to be kept secret.”

“Because Suellen drew her mom’s name first and blabbed by accident. So, she traded with Scarlett, who then traded with me. But Suellen told Nadine that, too. I swear Suellen would’ve made a lousy spy. She spills everything she knows.”

He brightened. “Nadine will really be surprised when she gets something from you. It’s about time.” He thought a moment. “She doesn’t like

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