Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,18

car keys.

“Hey, Cass. Glad you’re back. Please tell me you bought food. Anything. Chips. Soda. Chicken. Cheese. Hell, I’d even eat cardboard if you bought some ketchup for it. Or even salsa. Salsa’s good, too.”

He walked around the front of the Toyota. “I’ll help you bring things in if you—”

Breck stopped dead in his tracks and whistled low. “Now I see why you’re all glassy-eyed and quiet for once.”

Cassie turned to look at him, her anger barely contained. “Who would do something like this? How could they get in here? Does Rhett have security cameras? We need to call the police right away.”

“No way, kiddo. Rhett wouldn’t want anything like this to hit the papers.” He walked over and knelt next to the damaged front tire, rubbing his hand along it. “He thinks the gates are enough. They have been in the past. He relishes his privacy, Cassie. It’s the one thing he guards like a pit bull.”

Breck stood up. “Rhett doesn’t have cameras because he doesn’t want security tapes floating around or any kind of digital record. That’s why he’s been comfortable with his sister handling most of his personal affairs and Consuelo and her crew doing the rest. They may be a little flaky but they love the hell out of him. It doesn’t hurt that he pays them well. They’d never go shouting to the tabloids about anything.”

She frowned. “What should we do? Someone got in. Why they didn’t touch your car surprises me. Why mess with a beat-up rental that’s ten years old?”

He shook his head. “Oh, honey, you still don’t get it, do you?” Breck gave her a long look. “Nobody got in. And only one person has gone out.”

Shock reverberated through Cassie. “Randi? You think Randi did this?”

“I guaran-damn-tee you she did. You must’ve set off that fiery little temper she has. You probably gave her as good as she was tossing to you. And you took Rhett away.”

“Took him away?” She was baffled. “He’s my boss. We went inside to go over business. Lunch was more of the same. Why would she do something like this?”

Breck grinned. “’Cause she’s a fuckin’ nut case. I told Rhett that from the start. Models are wacko. They don’t ever eat, which would drive any sane person crazy. They keep weird hours. Hang around with looney photographers. They do drugs and drink all kinds of shit that makes ‘em loco and keeps ‘em skinny. I warned Rhett that he was making a big mistake getting involved with Randi.”

Cassie gave Breck a knowing glance. “But all he saw was tits and ass and legs up to here?”

“You might say that had a bit of an influence on him.” He looked over at the car and shook his head. “Still, she’s a mean little bitch. How she thinks you wouldn’t figure out it was her beats me.”

Cassie’s chin rose. “I won’t give her the satisfaction.” She paused. “How do we handle it so Rhett and the papers never know?”

“This is the kind of stuff you’ll get used to. I’ll show you where the credit card is. Rhett probably forgot to give it to you and I know where Carreen keeps it. Come on inside. We’ll tackle this mess together.”

“No, we need to get the groceries taken care of first.”

“Okay. I especially wouldn’t want any ice cream to melt.” He looked at her hopefully. “That is, if there was any ice cream that might melt.”

Cassie smiled. “Oh, I think there’s Rocky Road and Double Dutch Chocolate, along with some frozen strawberry bars.”

Breck grabbed her and smacked her loudly on the lips. “God, I love a girl who knows how to shop. Let’s go, General. You’re definitely in charge from now on.”

She stood and watched Breck sweep up several sacks and march in. Her face burned beet red. She knew he didn’t mean anything by the kiss but months had passed since her last kiss with an asshole who’d stuck her with their dinner bill. He’d gotten all touchy-feely during dessert and then took a call on his cell and raced out of the restaurant, saying he had an emergency and would call her the next day. Cassie paid the bill with her already overextended Visa card and sworn off men ever since.

Worse, the jerk never bothered to call so she could tell him off.

They got the groceries in and Breck showed her the freezer off in the butler’s pantry. He was like a kid at Christmas, excited over every new

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