The Hollow Page 0,70

drive you home."

"Thanks, but I'll walk. I think I need some air." She stood, pointed at him again. "Hands up." When he grinned, held up his hands, she leaned in to kiss him.

Then she escaped before she could change her mind.

Her hopes to dash straight upstairs when she got home were scotched as Cybil stood on the bottom landing, leaning on the banister. "Ah, look who's doing the Walk of Shame. Hey, Q, baby sister's home."

"I've got to change and get to work. Talk later."

She made the dash, but Cybil was right behind her. "Oh no, you don't. Talk while you change."

Since Quinn swung out of the office and into Layla's bedroom with Cybil, Layla gave up.

"Obviously, I spent the night with Fox."

"Playing chess?" Quinn grinned as Layla stripped on her way to the shower. "Isn't that his game?"

"We never got to that. Maybe next time."

"From the smile on your face, it's obvious he has a few other games," Cybil commented.

"I feel..." She jumped into the shower. "Used and energized, amazed and stupefied." She whipped the shower curtain back an inch. "Why didn't you tell me about the perk?" she demanded. "About how they recover, sexually, the same way they heal?"

"Didn't I mention that?"

"No." It was Cybil who answered, giving Quinn a hard poke.

"Speaking of energy, the Energizer Bunny is a worn-out, sluggish rabbit comparatively." Quinn gave Cybil a sympathetic hug. "I didn't want to make you feel sad and deprived, Cyb."

Cybil just narrowed her eyes. "How many times? And don't try to tell me you didn't count," she added as she pulled the shower curtain open.

Layla pulled it back, then stuck out a hand, five fingers spread.


Then put the tips of her pinky and thumb together to add another three.

"Eight? Holy Mother of God."

Layla switched off the shower, grabbed a towel. "That's not counting twice this morning. I have to admit, I'm a little tired, and I'm starving. And I'd kill for coffee."

"You know what?" Cybil said after a moment. "I'm going to go down and scramble you some eggs, pour you a giant cup of coffee. Because right at the moment, you're my hero."

Quinn stayed behind as Layla, wrapped in the towel, rubbed lotion on her arms and legs. "He's a sweetie."

"I know he is."

"Are you going to be able to work together, sleep together, and fight the forces of evil together?"

"You're managing it with Cal."

"Which is why I ask, because the combination can have its moments. I guess I wanted to say that if you run into one of those moments, you can talk to me."

"I've been able to talk to you from the first. I guess that's one of our perks." Because it was true, Layla considered as she drew on her robe. "My feelings for him, for just about everything right now, are tangled and confused. And for just about the first time in my life, confusion isn't such a bad thing."

"Good enough. Well, try not to work too hard today because we're having a summit meeting tonight. Cal wants to know what Fox came up with."

"About what?"

"I don't know." Quinn pursed her lips. "He didn't mention anything to you? A theory."

"No. No, he didn't."

"Maybe he's still working it out. In any case, we'll talk about whatever we talk about tonight."

By the time Layla got to the office, Fox was already in and on the phone. With his next client due in shortly after, it wasn't the time, in her opinion, to pin him down about their other collaboration and theories.

She checked his schedule, hunting for a reasonable span of free time, then stewed while she worried about why he hadn't mentioned anything about it to her.

When Sage came in just as Layla was about to take advantage of a lull, Layla decided she was outnumbered for the workday.

"Fox gave me a call, asked me to come by. Is he free now?"

"As a bird."

"I'll just go on back."

Thirty minutes passed before Sage came out again. It was obvious she'd been crying even when she sent Layla a brilliant smile. "Just in case you're not aware, you're working for the most amazing, most beautiful, most incredible man in the entire universe. Just in case you didn't know," she added, and ran out.

With a sigh, Layla tried to bury her own questions-and the annoyance that had been working up through them- and went back to see how Fox had weathered what must have been an emotional half hour.

He sat at his desk with the look of a Copyright 2016 - 2024