The Hollow Page 0,69

stop. Don't."

"Not until you get there."

When she did, it was like plummeting out of the sky, a tumbling free fall that stole the breath.

SHE WAS STILL LIMP WHEN HE BROUGHT HER A glass of wine. "I ordered pizza. That okay?"

She managed a nod. "How do you... Can you always recover that quickly?"

"One of the perks." He sat cross-legged on the bed with his own glass of wine, and cocked his head. "Hasn't Quinn mentioned it? Come on, I know your breed talks about sex."

"Mentioned... Well, she said it's the best sex of her life, if that's what you mean. And that he's..." She felt very strange, talking about their friends this way. "Well, he's got amazing staying power."

"You know how we heal fast, since that night? Sort of the same thing here."

"Oh." She drew the word out, and slaked her thirst with wine. "That is a very fine perk."

"It's a particular favorite of mine." He rose, walked around the room lighting candles.

Yes, yes, she thought, that was a very nice ass. His hair tumbled messily around that sharp-featured face. Those gilded eyes were satisfied, and just a little sleepy.

She wanted to lap him up like melted chocolate.

"What's your record?"

He glanced back and grinned. "What time frame? An evening, an overnight, a lost weekend?"

Over the rim of her glass her eyes challenged him. "We'll start with an evening, and I bet we can beat it."

They ate pizza in bed. The pie was cold by the time they got to it, but they were both too ravenous to care. The music changed to B. B. King, and the candles wafted out lovely light and fragrance.

"My mother makes them," he told her when she commented.

"Your mother makes candles-gorgeous, fragrant candles-throws pots, and does watercolors."

"And weaves. Does other needlework when the mood strikes." He licked sauce off his thumb. "Now if only she'd cook real food, she'd be perfect."

"Are you the only carnivore in the family?"

"My father sneaks a Big Mac now and then, and Sage fell off the veggie wagon, too." He contemplated another slice of pizza. "I decided to do it."

"To do what?"

"To, ah, give Sage-or I guess it would be give Paula- the magic elixir."

"The... Oh." She angled her head. "What made you decide?"

"I just figured I'm not doing anything with it, right at the moment. And they're family. If I can help make them happy, help give them a family, why wouldn't I?"

"Why wouldn't you?" she repeated quietly, then took his face in her hands to kiss him. "You're one in a million."

"Let's hope I've got one or two in a million that'll get the job done for them. I know it's a strange thing to bring up under the current conditions, but I thought you should know. Some women might find it a little weird, or off-putting. I'm not getting that you do."

"I think it's loving, and lovely." She kissed him again, just before the phone rang.

"Hold that thought." He scooted back to answer the bedside phone. "Hey. Oh yeah." He tipped the phone to address Layla. "It's Cal. No, we'll get to that tomorrow. It can wait until tomorrow. Because I'm with Layla," he said. He hung up the phone, looked at her. "I'm with Layla."

SHE HADN'T MEANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT, AND was vaguely surprised by the sun streaming through the windows. "Oh my God. What time is it?"

She started to roll out of bed, was rolled right back and under Fox. "It's morning, it's early. What's the rush?"

"I have to get home, change. Fox!" Amusement, arousal, and sheer bafflement warred inside her as his hands got busy under the covers. "Stop."

"That's not what you said last night. How many times was that?" He laughed as his mouth covered hers. "Relax. So you'll be a little late. I can guarantee your boss won't mind."

Later, a great deal later while she hunted up her second stocking, he offered her a can of Coke. "Sorry, it's the only caffeine on the premises."

She winced at it, then shrugged. "It'll have to do. It's a good thing you don't have an appointment until ten thirty, because I'm barely going to make it into the office by ten."

He watched her slip her foot into the hose. "Maybe I should help you with that."

"Stay away from me." She laughed, but pointed a finger at him. "I mean it. It's almost business hours." She drew up the stocking, slipped on her shoes. "I'll be in the office as soon as I can manage it."

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