The Hollow Page 0,64

I made an appointment with this marriage counselor Fox said is really good? If I gave that idiot Block a chance and saw if maybe we could fix things between us?"

"I think you'd be a complete fool if you didn't do whatever it takes to get what you want most."

"I don't know why I want that man." Shelley looked down at the card in her hand. "But I guess maybe this could help me find out. Thanks, Layla."

"Good luck, Shelley."

What was the point in being a complete fool? Layla asked herself. Before she bogged down in what-ifs and maybes, she pushed back from her desk and marched straight back to Fox's office.

He hammered at the keyboard, brows knitted. He barely gave her a grunt as she stepped to his desk.

"All right," she said. "I'll sleep with you."

His fingers paused. He cocked his head up, aimed his eyes to hers. "This is excellent news." Swiveling, he faced her more fully. "Right now?"

"This is so easy for you, isn't it?"


"Just 'sure, let's go.' "

"I feel, under the circumstances, I shouldn't have to point out that yes, I am a guy."

"It's not just that." She threw out her arms as she whirled into a pace. "I bet you were raised to think of sex as a natural act, as a basic form of human expression, even a physical celebration between two consenting adults."

He waited a beat. "Isn't it?"

Stopping, facing him, she made a helpless gesture with her hands. "I was raised to think of it as an enormous and weighty step. One that carries responsibility, that has repercussions. That because sex and intimacy are synonymous, you don't just go around jumping into bed because you want an itch scratched."

"But you're going to sleep with me anyway."

"I said I was, didn't I?"


"Because Shelley's calling a marriage counselor." And now, Layla sighed. "Because you play the damn guitar, and I know without counting that there's another dollar in that stupid jar even though Alice is gone, because you said fuck. Because Cal told Quinn you wouldn't press charges against Block."

"All of those sound like fairly good reasons to be pals," Fox considered. "They don't sound like reasons to have sex."

"I can have any reasons I like to have sex with you," she said, just prissily enough to make him fight off a grin. "Including the fact that you've got a great ass, that you can look at me and make me feel like you've already got your hands on me. And just because I want to. So I'm going to have sex with you."

"As I said, this is excellent news. Hey, Sage, how's it going?"

"Really good. Sorry to interrupt."

With her stomach already sinking to her knees, Layla turned. The woman who stood in the doorway had a big O'Dell grin on her face. Her hair was a short sweep of fiery red around a pretty face made compelling by a pair of golden brown eyes.

"Layla, this is my sister Sage. Sage, Layla."

"Nice to meet you." In snug jeans tucked into stylish boots, Sage stepped forward to offer a hand.

"Yes. Well. I'm just going to go out to reception and beat my head against the wall for a few minutes. Excuse me."

Sage watched her walk away, then turned back to her brother. "Very nice package."

"Cut it out. It's too weird to have you checking out the same woman I am. Besides, you're married."

"Marriage doesn't pluck out the eyes. Hey." She spread her arms.

He rose, walked into them, and banding her with his, lifted her off her feet for a quick swing. "I thought I was meeting you at Sparrow's."

"You are, but I wanted to drop by."

"Where's Paula?"

"She's taking the meeting that gave us the excuse to come East. In D.C. She'll be up later. Let me look at you, Foxy Loxy."

"Looking back at you, Parsley Sage."

"Still enjoying small-town law?"

"Still a lesbian?"

She laughed. "Okay, enough of that. I guess I should come back later, when you're not having sex with your office manager."

"I think that's been postponed due to acute embarrassment."

"I hope I didn't screw it up."

"I'll fix it. Mom said you weren't clear about how long you're staying."

"I guess we weren't. It sort of depends." She blew out a breath. "It sort of depends on you."

"You and Paula want to practice small-town lesbian law, and want to go into partnership with me in the Hollow." He got them a couple of Cokes.

"No. Partnership might be a factor, depending on your definition."

He handed her the Coke. "What's Copyright 2016 - 2024