Holiday with You - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,28

big brother,” she grunts, and the line goes dead.

Chapter Fifteen


This is some kind of conspiracy. Even my kid is relentless about having Audrey around.

“Come to the city with us,” she invited last night while we were clearing out the table. “You have to meet Nana and Papa.”

I should’ve stopped her, but my brothers supported the notion and hello, peer pressure. I’m at the airport outside arrivals, waiting for my parents next to Perry and Audrey. Not only that, but to keep Perry entertained, we’re playing I Spy.

“Daddy, look at the pup!” Perry points at a service dog. She jumps with excitement as she hits me with the usual request. “Can I have one, please? Santa can get me one!”

“Santa doesn’t bring puppies.” Audrey takes that one for the team. “Can you imagine what would happen if he put animals inside his big red sack?”

Perry looks at her and sighs deeply.

“They might get lost or hurt. We don’t want that to happen to any of them,” Audrey explains further.

“Thank you,” I mouth.

She’s so incredibly patient with my daughter. Audrey might be gorgeous, even hot, but what I like the most about her is the way she is with everyone—especially Perry.

“Do you have a dog?” Perry asks, and I can hear the gears moving. This kid is a mile ahead of us.

If our new friend has one, like Oliver does, she can visit her often. It’d be like having a dog without the responsibilities.

Audrey nods and shows her a picture. “His name is Dough.”

“Like cookie dough?” I ask, looking at the image of a big yellow lab.

She grins and nods. “Yes, it’s ridiculous. Stan chose the pup and brought him home. I got to pick the name.”

“Where is he?” Perry and I ask at the same time.

“He moved out with Stan,” she answers. “Since he acquired him and paid for most of his expenses, he got to keep him.”

A seed of jealousy sprouts at the thought of her sharing a dog with another man. I don't like that she’s had that closeness with someone else, even if that’s unfair.


“It’s okay,” she says, but I can sense her sadness. “He's a spoiled dog who loves to play catch and naps in the evenings.”

“Daddy, Audrey needs a dog too,” Perry says with authority. “We could get one and share it with her.”

“You’re sharing a dog?” I am so distracted by the interaction of my girls that I don’t notice when my parents come out of the arrival gate until Mom asks that ridiculous question.

Wait, where did that come from? They’re not my girls. Audrey isn’t mine. We’re definitely not sharing a dog.

But what if? the voice whispers again, and if it had a face, I’d punch it.

“Mom, I didn’t see you guys,” I confess.

She glances at Audrey. “Of course. You were busy.”

“Nana, Papa!” Perry’s voice attracts the attention of everyone around us.

“How’s my favorite Squirrel?” she asks, giving her a tight hug.

“Welcome home, Dad.” I give him a side hug since he’s carrying a cooler.

Mom can’t leave Arizona without bringing something for supper. She swears we’re starving without her, and for some reason, every time she’s back home, she prepares food the night before and makes my father carry it around.

“Mom, Dad, let me introduce you to Audrey. She’s visiting Winter Valley, and we’re showing her the area while she waits for her car to be fixed.” Turning to Audrey, who is observing the scene a few steps away from us, I wiggle my fingers. She extends her hand, and I grab it, pulling her closer to me. “Audrey, these are my parents—”

“Mr. and Mrs. Bradford, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Perry and your sons talk about you all the time.”

“It’s good to meet you,” Mom says, hugging Audrey. “I’m glad I made enough food in case we had visitors. Elisse told me to be prepared.”

Of course, she did. My sisters should mind their own business.

“Why don’t we get your bags while you head to the car with Perry?” I suggest, grabbing the cooler from Dad and handing him the keys. “I brought the SUV. It’s parked in Short Term on the west side lot.”

I switch my attention to Audrey. “Do you want to go with them or come with me?”

“I’ll help you,” she says without hesitation. My parents walk toward the exit. “Do we even know what their bags look like?” Audrey’s question makes me laugh.

“You’ll see.” I take her hand, and we make our way toward baggage claim.

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