Holiday with You - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,18

what do I have?

He gives a quick nod before opening the door. “We can’t have a unicorn turning into a popsicle.”

Disappointment hits me at the same time as the heat from the indoors does. “Unicorns aren’t as fragile as you think.”

He runs his knuckles down my cheek. “I don’t think unicorns are fragile at all.”

I stand in the doorway as he trots down the street. What is it about that man that settles me and makes me crazy all at once?

I wander into the dining area, but no afternoon refreshments are anywhere to be found.

Maybe I don’t know how to fix my own problems, but I know what to do about this one.

If there’s no one here to supervise, then no one can stop me.

I’m baking.

And then maybe I’ll snoop in the office.

But first . . . cookie dough.

Chapter Ten



That’s the only way to describe these past couple of days. Last night rattled me. I hadn’t been with anyone since my divorce. Actually, I hadn’t had sex during the last year of my marriage either.

Last night was inexplicable.

I’ll stick to that explanation because anything else sounds more than what it should be. Which is why I should avoid Audrey Reed. An impossible task when I live in a small town, and she’s waiting for my brother to fix her car.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll stop sending her peppermint mocha lattes with Colin. I won’t walk her to the B&B when she has trouble with gravity. And most importantly, I’ll try to stop thinking about how good we fit together, how wonderful she tastes, or if I could find some time for an encore.

On my way to pick up Perry from Colt’s place, I receive a text from Mom confirming her itinerary. I still don’t understand why she doesn’t stay in Denver with Elisse or Clarissa until Wednesday when they plan to drive to Winter Valley. Though I get why I’m the one responsible to pick them up. The last time Morgan agreed to do it, he was five hours late—classic Morgan.

When I enter Colt’s home, the lights are dimmed. The dork runs around the living room, flapping his arms, following Perry. She looks adorable wearing the fairy wings she made last night with my sisters. His wings are . . . what is he wearing on his back? Trash bags?

The scene is cute and also a golden opportunity to take a short video of him. Later tonight, I’ll post it on social media as payback from that time when he posted my picture on the bakery’s board soliciting a wife. Women are still handing me their phone numbers.

“Daddy!” Perry yells when she finally spots me.

“Cupcake!” I match her excitement and smirk when she jets toward me. I catch her in midair and twirl her a couple of times before kissing her chubby cheek. “Are you having fun with Uncle Colt?”

She gives me a sharp nod and wiggles out of my arms. She continues to run in circles, grinning from ear to ear.

I live for that smile.

“You’re back already?” Colt frowns.

“It’s five.” I tap my wrist, pretending I have a watch. “If you opened your shutters more often, you’d know what time it is.”

He points at the twinkle lights around the room, and says, “Fairy lights don’t work when it’s too bright.”

That doesn’t explain the empty pizza and takeout boxes on the table. If it were up to him, he’d be in this house all day working or gaming.

“I’m trying to recreate an enchanted forest,” he continues. “You should appreciate me. I’m better than Morgan or any of her other uncles.”

“You’re the best uncle,” I admit.

He frowns and exhales harshly. “Damn, did you say five?”

“Language.” I arch an eyebrow and cross my arms.

“She’s not paying attention,” he says unapologetically. “I forgot the cookies. Do you think the unicorn will care?”

“Unicorn?” Perry perks up and looks around the living room. “Where?”

“Would you mind checking on her?” Colt implores, ignoring Perry. “I might have my own schedule, but I have deadlines, and those are set in stone.” That much is true. He takes his computer programming business seriously, and I have to admire him for that.

Staring at my daughter, I shake my head. There’s a one-night-stand code written somewhere in the world. Audrey and I shouldn’t be interacting. She shouldn’t be close to Perry. That’s almost like time travel. The world will collapse if they come near each other.

Colt glances at me with his hands on his waist. “I asked you to check on her, Copyright 2016 - 2024