The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,72

Joseph,” Mr Anderson mumbled, and I couldn’t help but agree.

I had access to basically every ability in the Holder universe? I was going to be able to read minds, and walk through time, and move things around without touching them, and cast images of anything I wanted, and loads of other stuff, all for the price of one? This was incredible. And way more than I’d anticipated, that was for sure. In any event, the “lame ability” worries I’d told Chloe about this morning were as good as gone.

I glanced over at Alex to try and gauge his reaction to all this, only to find him staring down at the floor, his mind somewhere else entirely. Wasn’t he interested? Shouldn’t he be happy at the way things had worked out? After all, he was the one who’d asked me to stay, wasn’t he even the least bit pleased to find out that I’d have no choice but to stick around for a while? Granted, I’d been planning on staying anyway, but he didn’t know that.

I moved my gaze back to the center of the room, trying to ignore the sudden queasiness in my stomach.

Jocelyn had stopped pacing and was once again leaning against his desk, with his arms crossed over his chest, ruby Sciath shining on his finger. Everyone seemed to be watching him, waiting for him to speak, assuming that he would know where to go from here and oddly enough I found myself doing the same. My hatred of the man notwithstanding, I had to admit he could command a room. Almost everything about him, from his strong air to his steady gaze, gave the impression that he was a man of experience and knowledge. It wasn’t hard to imagine scores of men ready to get behind him and follow him into a battle of any kind, and I found myself wondering if he had ever been a soldier during his two centuries of life.

“It’s clear this is uncharted territory for us all, and we need to make sure we proceed with caution,” Jocelyn began, uncrossing his arms and resting his palm on the edge of the desk. “I agree with Cormac, Becca should be trained.” As he said this, he looked straight into my eyes and as much as I wanted to look away, I refused to be so cowardly. After a tense moment, his eyes moved to the group and he continued, “We will work slowly, training her one on one, beginning with perhaps Anderson, or Alex – someone who’s ability won’t allow her to hurt herself or anyone else.” I could have sworn I saw Alex squirm at his mention. “Agreed?” Jocelyn asked.

“Agreed,” everyone replied, while I sat quietly, assuming that as the newbie I wasn’t yet one of the decision-makers.

“Becca?” Jocelyn asked, looking at me again.

“Yes, fine,” I said, impressed that he’d noticed I hadn’t answered.

“Good,” he said to no one in particular. “The second matter is that of the charms,” he said looking up at Min. “There has been another attempted breach.”

“What?” I asked.

“Another?” Anderson said shaking his head.

“So someone is trying to get in, then?” Mr Reid murmured.

“When did it happen?” Cormac asked.

“Last night,” Min informed the room. “Just past twelve.”

“Could it have been one of the students? Perhaps an accident?” Cormac suggested.

“No, not this time. It came from outside the campus boundary. Someone attempted to use a charm of their own to open a hole in the guard, but they were not strong enough. The guard held, and I have added another set of strengtheners just in case.”

“What about Lorcan, has one been set here?” Jocelyn asked.

“Yes, and I’ve added Becca to the removal charm around the school proper as well. She cannot be removed from either against her will.”

“Her will.”

My will…

My stomach squeezed uncomfortably, and I was suddenly glad I’d only had a Pop Tart for breakfast.

“Good,” Jocelyn said.

“Something will have to be done,” Anderson commented after a moment. “We can’t have Darragh’s bloody scoundrels trying to bust our doors in every other day.”

“Min,” Jocelyn said, turning to face her, “are you confident your guards will continue to hold?”

“I am,” she stated firmly. “The breach attempts thus far have been weak and unfocused; nothing that the charms can’t withstand. I have also changed the guards to keep out, not only those associated with Darragh, but any Holder, no matter the level of their ability. It is the strongest charm I have. I am certain it will hold.”

Jocelyn nodded. “Then I Copyright 2016 - 2024