The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,42

feeling that they were deliberately not telling me something.

“You see, child,” Min said, as Alex glanced down looking… nervous? “The Iris was designed so that only one Holder would ever be able to use it. The Iris’s creator feared that it would fall into evil hands if left unprotected, so he put an unbreakable charm on it that contained a foretelling. He said that one day a great Holder would be born whose ability came neither from his mother or father, and he would be called Bronntanas, meaning the Gift.”

“And, that’s the guy?” I asked.

Min shook her head. “His son. Mac an Bronntanas, or Son of the Gift. He is said to be a mighty warrior with unrivaled courage and enduring spirit. He will be the greatest and most powerful Holder the world has known. The Iris will recognize him instantly, and they will work as one, overtaking any enemy in their path, ensuring the survival of the Holder race.”

“OK,” I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment. “Let me see if I’ve got this. You’re looking for this all powerful warrior guy so he can come and wake up the Iris and use it to get rid of the Darragh guy?”

“Yes,” Alex said, as Min nodded.

“And Darragh is looking for this guy too so he can kill him, steal his ability, and use the Iris for himself?”

Alex hesitated. “Um, well… yes. Or at least that’s what he wants,” he stammered, wringing his hands together. “But we’re going to make sure that doesn’t ever happen.”

I’m not sure if it was the worry in his tone or the constant gauge of my reaction in his eyes, but my hands started to tremble and I felt my heart rate begin to climb.

“Wait a minute,” I said, as the pieces began to come together in my mind. “When you asked me to meet you here, it was because you said we needed to talk about…” Suddenly, all the little hints and half thoughts I’d been hearing over the last few days fell into place…

…let’s just say he’s special…

…Ryland’s case is very unique…

…he isn’t ready for such a large burden…

…just a boy…

…we really do need to talk about Ryland…

Like a splash of cold water in the face, it was all clear; and the realization left me so furious and hurt that I could barely find words.

Alex’s hands came up in an effort to calm me when he saw my eyes pop open. “Let me explain…”

“Ryland? That’s what this is all about? He’s not some heroic warrior! What the hell are you thinking? He’s ten!” I was shouting now, but I didn’t care. “You lied to me!” I yelled, taking a step back from Alex. “You promised me that coming here was what was best for him, and now I find out that there is some psycho Holder out there that wants to kill him for his ability! How the hell is that what’s best for him?”

Alex stepped forward and took hold of my hand, begging, “Becca, please, I didn’t mean to–”


Less than a minute after leaving Alex and Min in the Inner Chamber, I was weaving through clusters of green and white school uniforms, dodging backpacks, and on my way to Ryland’s dorm.

That bastard! I trusted him!

Why was I so surprised? What did I expect? Wasn’t this the way it always was? Wasn’t there always some ulterior motive? Oh well, it didn’t matter. We were leaving, that much I knew. No way in hell was Ryland staying here even one more night if I had anything to say about it.

I ran up the steps to Ryland’s dorm, burst through the door, and stormed down the hall toward his room. This would be easy: I would tell Ryland to pack his things, we’d go back to Lorcan together – I was not letting him out of my sight – where I’d pack mine, I’d call us a cab, and we’d be at the airport by 1.00. As far as I was concerned, the sooner we were out of Ireland the better.

“Ryland,” I yelled, pounding on his door. “It’s me, let me in!”

No answer.

My heart started to race. “Ryland, I swear to God, if you’re screwing with me–”

“He’s got a class,” a small voice said out of nowhere, making me literally jump up and yelp.

“Sorry,” the boy said, shrinking back a step. “H-he’s in class.”

I took a deep breath, pressing my hand to my thumping chest. Damn it, class. I’d completely forgotten.

The boy looked up sheepishly. Copyright 2016 - 2024