The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,24

glass, and had pictures of saints and angels on them, surrounded by intricate Celtic knots.

“It’s amazing,” I said, still in awe.

“I knew you’d like it! Come on, I’ll take you to your room.”

The inside of Lorcan Hall was just as grand as the outside – stone corridors, tapestries, leather furniture, and more stained glass than a Catholic church. After climbing way too many stairs, we finally stopped in front of one of the ornate doors on the third level.

“Here you are. I’m so happy you’re here!” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “My rooms are right down the way if you need anything,” she added, pointing along the corridor. “There’s a pink flower on the door, you won’t miss it.”

“Great, thanks.”

“Well,” she stepped back reluctantly, “I guess I’ll see you in the morn!” She waved one more time before continuing down the hall. “Fine sleep!”

“Um, yeah, you too,” I said, watching her turn the corner before stepping into my room.

Fine sleep? Must be an Irish thing.

I felt around on the wall for the light switch and flipped it on, in no way prepared for what I was about to see. I had expected a small, dorm-style room – you know, cinder block, one window, prison bed – typical college fare. However, what lay before me could barely be considered a room, much less a dorm. It would better be defined as an apartment! Or at the very least, a studio. I stepped into a small living space complete with couch and TV. To the right of that, through a large open archway was a bedroom with double bed and linens. Connected to that was a bathroom with a toilet, sink, and bathtub with a shower. Best of all, one look inside the bedroom revealed my luggage already there waiting for me on the bed.

Mmm… bed…

Looking at the large mattress with soft white sheets immediately took its toll on my jetlag, and all I could think about was undressing and climbing in. But of course, as soon as I moved to take off my shirt, there was a knock at the door.

It was Alex.

“Hi, sorry, I heard you come up,” he said, seeming a bit on edge, or at least less casual and at ease than he had earlier.

“No, it’s fine,” I said, trying to keep the shake out of my voice. “I’m glad you stopped by. Is Ryland OK?”

“He’s fine. Passed out as soon as we got to his room.” He handed me a card. “This is his building and room. That’s the phone number.”

“Good, thanks.” Why was he nervous? Why was I nervous? Why was I all of a sudden acutely aware that we were mere steps away from my bedroom?

“Is…” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Is your room OK?”

“Oh gosh, it’s awesome! I was expecting a one-room cell.” I laughed, hoping to ease the tension.

“The rooms in Lorcan are nicer because we live here, but there aren’t many. This room was the only one not in use. My room is,” he cleared his throat again, “right above yours, if you need anything. And Chloe is just down the hall,” he added quickly.

“Yes, she told me, thank you.”

“So… good night then,” he said, with a strange almost sad look in his eyes. He was probably tired.

“Good night.”

Once he was out of sight, I closed the door and shuffled back over to the bed, kicked off my shoes and climbed in, not even bothering to take my clothes off. As I snuggled down into the pillow, I heard footsteps on the floor of the room above me.

Alex’s footsteps.

He was pacing back and forth on what I could only assume was the floor of his bedroom. Normally something like that would keep me awake, but tonight oddly enough it was soothing, and I drifted off to sleep to the soft, rhythmic beat.


52… 53… 54. That should be the one.

“Ry,” I called through the door, knocking three times, “you in there?”

A few seconds later the door flew open, and I was greeted by a smiling little boy – who looked like he’d been dragged face-first through someone’s flowerbed.

“Ryland! What in God’s name happened to you?”

“What?” he asked, totally clueless, stepping to the side so I could come in.

“‘What’? Look at you, you’re filthy! And is that grass in your hair?” I tried to pick a piece out only to have my hand swatted away.

“Oh yeah, probably. After breakfast some of the guys wanted to play football, but actually they meant Copyright 2016 - 2024