Hold Me (Finding Free #5) - A.M. Arthur Page 0,51

birth order. During the investigation into Constable Bauer and your sire, the constabulary estimated their best guesses based on the deaths of our omegins. They’re the only records anyone has of our early lives, since the beta couple who first raised us didn’t leave any records behind. Neither did the two alphas who ran the fight ring. Not that the constabulary ever found, anyway.”

“I’m sorry your identity was taken from you.”

Hyatt shrugged one shoulder. “It wasn’t, not really. I know who my omegin and sire were. I know my brothers, and now I’ve got more family than I know what to do with. But you’re alone now, aren’t you?”

Dorian leaned his elbows on the balcony railing and closed his eyes, wistful for the days when he had parents and a brother nearby. “A bit, yes. I have a few business friends I see occasionally, but after what happened with my parents…even though I wasn’t involved, I became a bit of a pariah amongst certain social circles. So I tend to spend a lot of time alone.”

“That makes me sad.” He reached out and placed a hand over Dorian’s wrist, and that simple touch was everything. “You deserve a life and companionship. I don’t know you well yet, but I do believe that.”

Dorian took a chance on covering Hyatt’s hand with his own. “Thank you. Your support means more than you know. And I’m enjoying the chance to get to know your friends better. I’m glad they’re protective because you deserve that.”

Lights from the city glittered in Hyatt’s lovely dark eyes. “You looked very natural holding Asher earlier. He’s a great kid.”

“He is.” Dorian tried not to allow his mood to dim, and now was probably not the time to bring up the subject of mating and kids. Not at a friend’s party. “He didn’t seem interested in eating his cake. More so wearing it.”

“Haha. Yeah, he’ll definitely need a bath before bedtime. Sometimes I think Asher does it on purpose because he really loves baths. He’ll probably grow up to be a professional swimmer or something, for as much as he loves the water.”

“Children are blank canvases.”

“They truly are.” Hyatt squeezed his wrist. “And from the stories I’ve heard from Karter and Jax, they’re also pretty hilarious to raise. Stressful but hilarious.”

Dorian took a chance and twisted his hand so that he was holding Hyatt’s. Hyatt smiled shyly but didn’t pull away. “I don’t remember a lot of funny moments from my childhood. Sire was strict about our behavior because of our status. If we acted out in public, we were punished severely enough that we didn’t do it again. While Omegin was loving, he also had a sadness and anger over the deaths of my two brothers that I saw more clearly as I got older.”

“I imagine you never truly get over losing a child.”


“Is that why you aren’t sure you want to be a sire? Losing your brothers?”

This was not the night for that conversation. “Can we table that question for another night?”

“Of course. Tonight’s a party. We don’t have to talk about serious stuff. But we can. Whenever you’re comfortable.”

“Thank you.” For a little while longer, Dorian exalted in the simplicity of standing on a moonlit balcony, while holding his bondmate’s hand and doing nothing more taxing than existing together.

For a little while, Dorian was completely at peace.

Hyatt adored their low-key sort-of date at Khory’s birthday party. Maybe he and Dorian didn’t do more than hold hands but it had been wonderful. He’d loved the thrill of holding Dorian’s hand and standing together for a while. He had been curious about Dorian’s late siblings, but he also respected his bondmate enough not to press. Hyatt didn’t want to talk about his worst moments yet, either.

Dorian had survived great losses very early in his life; Hyatt couldn’t fathom losing one of his own siblings.

Dorian excused himself from the party first, citing an early business meeting. He earned a lot of points with Hyatt by personally saying goodbye to everyone, including Rebel. Dorian might have said goodbye to both of the babies if they weren’t asleep at that point in the evening. Hyatt walked him out into the hallway so they could have a semi-private moment before Dorian left.

“Thank you for coming,” Hyatt said. “I know we didn’t have a lot of time to get to know each other but I had fun just being around you.”

“So did I.” When Dorian reached out, Hyatt extended his hand, charmed when

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