Hold Me (Finding Free #5) - A.M. Arthur Page 0,29

and generous nature, despite all the pain heaped upon him last year. A tiny part of him also wanted to confess to the secret he’d kept about Edgar’s abuse, but this wasn’t the time or place. Today was about positivity not their painful past.

Rebel was out of jail. Hyatt had met his bondmate. Karson was pregnant. So much good news. Almost too much at once, and Hyatt truly hoped it didn’t mean a disaster was approaching.

Please, let this good streak last. Please.


Dorian spent his entire day after the fundraiser making phone calls. All kinds of phone calls. He apologized personally to all three of the Light House board members. He apologized to Monte Porter for his behavior and the subsequent fight in his home. And he apologized to various guests he’d invited to the fundraiser, practically begging them not to use his own behavior against Light House.

Most folks were sympathetic, aside from two betas he’d spoken to, and that wasn’t surprising. Betas did not understand the mating bond, and while Dorian was a bit turned around by having scented his bondmate last night, he couldn’t deny the connection. A connection he didn’t necessarily want, thanks to his affliction, but his inner alpha craved Hyatt. Needed his omega close by and right the hell now. But he’d scared Hyatt last night, and Dorian wasn’t sure how to make it up to him.

Hyatt’s mobile number wasn’t publicly listed, which did not surprise Dorian in the least, given Hyatt’s history, but it did make contacting him a pain in the ass. He decided to suck it up and call Senior Constable Jenks directly, since Hyatt was connected to the elder alpha’s family.

“Mr. Fowler,” Jenks said. “I’m honestly not surprised to hear from you today, considering what happened last night.”

“I completely understand and I am mortified by my behavior. It was never my intention to scare Hyatt or to incite a fight with his brother.”

“I believe you.”

“Thank you, sir. My conundrum right now is that I have no idea how to contact Hyatt so we can have a private conversation about the mating bond. As a family friend of his, I was hoping you could help facilitate that.”

“You want me to give you Hyatt’s mobile number?”

“Only if you’re comfortable with it. If not, perhaps you can call him on my behalf and give Hyatt my mobile number. Then he can call me at his discretion. All I want is a chance to apologize for scaring him and to talk about the mating bond.”

Senior Jenks was silent for a long time. “I’ll speak with Hyatt and see what he wants to do. I will call you back later today with his response.”

Dorian nearly pumped his fist into the air. “Thank you, sir. I truly appreciate your kindness in this matter.”

“I understand a complicated mating bond, Mr. Fowler. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you.” As soon as Senior Jenks hung up, Dorian called Samuel. “You will not believe what happened last night,” he said the moment Samuel said hello. “I met my bondmate.”

“You’re shitting me!” Samuel let out a whoop. “Brother, I am so happy for you.”

“It’s a little complicated, though.” He explained the insane wrinkle with his bondmate and their familial connections. “His sort-of father-in-law in a Senior Constable so he’s being incredibly protective. Which I don’t blame him for at all, I just really want to speak to my bondmate.”

“I bet. He’s the one with the glasses right? That day in the hospital.”

“Yeah, he wears glasses. Dark hair. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him as my bondmate back then but maybe he hadn’t heated yet. That’s the only thing I can think for why I couldn’t sense it last year.”

“That makes sense. Um, how do you feel about meeting your bondmate? With your…you know, condition?”

Dorian pressed his forehead against the apartment wall, a headache threatening. “I honestly don’t know. For so long, I didn’t bother thinking about a bondmate, and it started seeming inconsequential. But now…damn it, Samuel, I want to get to know him. But what if he finds out my secret? What if he doesn’t see me as a true alpha and he refuses me? I don’t know if I could stand that.”

“You could hide it from him. I’m the only person who knows.”

“I don’t think I could do that. I’d be lying to my bondmate’s face. And what if his heat falls during the same time as my issue? How can I care for him when I’m indisposed? Besides, Hyatt might

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