Hold Me Close - Talia Hibbert Page 0,293


“I have words, though. Lots of them,” Rae said, each syllable distinct as a shot. “Do you?”

Silence. Tension simmered. Zach was simultaneously furious and proud.

Kevin’s silence grew self-conscious, and Rae smiled. With painful politeness, she asked, “Now, could you move? We have somewhere to be.”

Kevin’s expression darkened, and his gaze slid over Zach. “How old are you?”

Rae sucked in a breath. Zach just rolled his eyes. This motherfucker. “I’m old enough to mind my business and keep my promises. How about you?”

Kevin’s gaze narrowed and a muscle ticked at his jaw. He turned away as if Zach hadn’t spoken. “Baby—”

“Stop calling her that.”

“Zach,” Rae muttered, “leave it.”

Zach looked down at her, astonished. “Are you for real?”

“Just leave it.” She pulled away from him, leaving him cold, and walked into the elevator—or rather, she tried to. But Kevin, standing there between the doors, didn’t fucking move. She was forced to slide past him, discomfort all over her face as her body brushed his.

Zach clenched his jaw so hard he was surprised he didn’t crack a molar. Fuck his plan and fuck the condoms, for now, anyway. He followed her into the elevator, but he didn’t just slide past Kevin; he grabbed the bastard by the shirt and shoved him, bodily, into the lobby. The other man spluttered and cursed as he fell, spilling nappies and a bottle of formula out of his little dad bag. Zach was suddenly sorry for the kid who’d have to grow up with a pathetic, bullying father like this one.

The elevator doors slid shut.

And Rae exploded. “Are you out of your mind?”

He stared. She was pissed—furious. Well, he was pretty pissed off himself, so at least they matched. “What the hell are you shouting at me for?”

“You think because you’re bigger than everyone else, you can go around pushing people?” she demanded, like he’d just shoved a kid off a swing.

Through gritted teeth, he corrected, “I think anyone who’s man enough to get in my way is man enough to be moved.”

She raked her hands through her hair, pulling hard, turning away from him as if she could hide her growl of frustration. But he saw her screwed-up, angry face reflected a thousand times in this mirrored goddamn box, and every different angle made him feel a little more like shit.


“No.” She swung around to face him, holding out a hand. “Don’t say my name like that, like you can just make everything—”

“Oh, so now I can’t say your name, but he can call you fucking baby every five seconds, and I just have to—”

“Do you think I wanted you here to get into pissing contests with Kevin? Do you think no-one noticed you throwing him around like a fucking towel? I don’t want attention, Zach! I don’t want drama! Not right now, not at work.”

That hit him in the gut just as the elevator slowed and the doors eased open. A group of women in gym wear, all smiles and sweat, walked into the cloud of tension, and their chatter slowed. They shot Zach and Rae wary looks as they pressed their floor number. Rae tucked herself into a corner to make room for them, pushing her tongue against the inside of her cheek.

She was self-conscious, and it hit him like a ton of bricks that he was the one making her feel that way. He knew she didn’t want to be talked about. She’d told him five fucking minutes ago that she refused to argue in public, for God’s sake. And what had he done? Caused trouble, put his own bullshit first, and acted jealous and possessive. All because he’d come face to face with the man she’d chosen for twenty-two years, while she’d never really chosen Zach at all.

So much for his brilliant fucking plan.

The gym-goers left the elevator first, but Rae didn’t move, didn’t speak, when they were gone. She just stayed tucked into her corner, her eyes distant, different. Burning rather than dreamy. He had the uncomfortable thought that instead of fantasising about imaginary worlds as usual, she was currently fantasising about roasting his balls over an open fire. Fair enough. He followed her lead and kept his mouth shut until they made it to their hotel room.

As soon as the heavy door closed behind them, he said, “I’m sorry.”

She sat on the bed, nodding slowly, looking anywhere but him. “Right.”

“I shouldn’t have done that. Any of it. And I won’t do it again.”

She swallowed, her fingers twisting in the still-rumpled

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