Hold Me Close - Talia Hibbert Page 0,199


But she couldn’t do it in the kitchen. God, no. Because then she’d know exactly how it felt to kneel on the cold tiles and suck him, and she’d never get the memory out of her head. In fact, she decided, she couldn’t do it anywhere in the house. The desecration of this particular stool was bad enough. She’d have to bleach the damned thing to high heaven just to soothe her guilt.

“Let’s go outside,” she said.

Nate squinted at her, as if he suspected he’d misheard. “Outside?”

He was so gloriously naked, with all that taut skin and those lean muscles, Hannah felt like saying, Or here. Or the moon. Wherever you want, actually.

But somehow, she stood firm in the face of disgraceful sexiness. “Yes. Outside.”

“It’s going to rain, you know.”

It was true that the air beyond the patio doors vibrated under the weight of an impending summer storm, and heavy clouds had covered the bright sun. But she didn’t really care. “Do you mind? You used to love the rain.”

“How did you know that?”

She shrugged awkwardly. “I don’t know. When we were at school, you always wandered around in the rain. And you always looked calmer. I thought you liked it.”

“So you just… noticed,” he said slowly, with a look on his face she couldn’t quite decipher. One of his soft looks, the kind that made her uncomfortably melty in the middle, like a brownie. Hannah did not want to be a brownie.

“Whatever. Just get outside before I change my mind.” She stood with a huff, marching off towards the garden. Bold move, considering she was worried about him changing his mind. But she had to leave first anyway, because if he led the way, she’d end up staring at his arse. That arse befuddled her enough fully clothed; Hannah didn’t think she’d survive seeing it naked.

Nate followed her out, thank God, and didn’t even falter when she said, “Shall we sit down?” He just sat, right on the grass, as if it hadn’t been an absolutely ridiculous suggestion. Overhead, the sky darkened. Thunder rumbled. It kind of suited her suddenly dour mood.

The problem, Hannah realised, was that she’d never… well, she’d never wanted anyone this much. And now she was overthinking things quite awfully, and she’d never snap out of it, would never get back to that lovely state of mindless lust—

“Come here,” he said. He leaned back on one hand, and the other grasped his cock, stroking lazily. “You’re miles away.”

“I…” She licked her lips, her eyes on the hypnotic pull of his cock. “I was planning on staying over here, actually.” Over here being three feet in front of him, where she had an excellent view. And he seemed to know that, because he spread his legs further, until she could see his heavy sac, moving with each stroke. The underside of his dick looked like velvet, but she knew, if she touched him, it would be iron-hard. Would it be so bad, to touch him?

No. No, it wouldn’t. This was an indulgence, after all. She was supposed to make the most of it. She would make the most of it.

So, despite her words, Hannah moved towards him. Crawled, actually. Because she was teetering on the edge of that magical arousal, the kind strong enough to take away her constant gnawing worries. And then his gaze fell to her chest, and she realised her breasts had spilled out of her shirt and were swaying as she moved. Maybe it was the sensation that gave her a last little push, or maybe it was the way he groaned and stroked himself harder, his hips lifting, his teeth sinking into his lower lip.

She crawled between his spread thighs, her eyes focusing on the flushed head of his dick, the way it leaked tiny beads of pre-come like slick jewels. He rasped, “You want me in your mouth.”

It wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway. “No.”

“I know when you’re lying, Hannah.” Lightning flashed overhead like some kind of divine judgement, like punctuation to his gently teasing words.

“You don’t know. You can’t know.” She pushed his hand away from his length and bent her head, running her tongue over the underside of his cock. Nate tasted of raw heat and skin and salt and desire.

His head fell back as he groaned. “I do. I do. I think about you so much and I watch you so closely—”

She slid her tongue over the tip of his cock, suckling the swollen head.

“Fuck,” he

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