Hold Me Close (Ryker Falls #5) - Wendy Vella Page 0,83

if people who purchased from her wanted to buy more artwork later.”

“Okay. Still none the wiser?”

Maggie kept looking until she found what she wanted.

“There.” Holding out a paper for him to read, she then dug her phone out of her pocket, going through the pictures until she found the letter. “It’s the same writing.”

He went still, his eyes going from the paper in his hand to the photo.

“It’s there in the way she writes the little heart above the i. Plus the swirly ends on the y’s.”

“It looks the same, but that could be coincidence.”

Maggie continued going through the papers, reading each one, checking she was right, until she came to one halfway through the pile. Her heart nearly stopped as she read the words.

“That says, ‘for A.J.,’ doesn’t it, Nash?”

He looked over her shoulder. “Maybe, but it’s hard to say. The ink’s faded.”

“There is no address on the invoice, so I’m not sure who it was delivered to,” Maggie said.

“Tigger, you can’t go messing in this crap. You have no evidence and aren’t a cop, so stop speculating. Just hand what you know over to Chief Blake.”

“I will, and yes, you’re right. I could be way off target.”

“Just out of curiosity, what is the target you think you hit?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure Linda Foster was friendly with the Linbars.”

“The body who was brought down was a Linbar?”


“Okay, you need to give this to Chief Blake. The burglary, and now you recognizing the handwriting—it makes me nervous.”

“Me too.” Maggie folded the note, but there was a niggle in the back of her head, telling her that she was onto something. Could this note have anything to do with Simon Linbar’s death?

“Let’s not mention this, Nash. We don’t want it getting out I recognized the handwriting.”

“No complaints here.” Nash hustled her back out the door and into his car.

“But it’s quite a coincidence. I mean, there’s the connection with Linda Foster, which is the L, and the handwriting that is hers. Plus the initials A.J. on the invoice.”

“Which tells us nothing, as we have no clue who A.J. is. Even if this Linda is involved, it could simply be a love letter she wrote for this A.J. and nothing more.”

“Sure, and you’re right, and I’m not sure how it could connect to Simon Linbar’s death.”

“You’re trying to connect it, but this is not for you to work out. Hand it over to the police, Tigger. They know how to deal with this type of thing.”

“I’ll tell Chief Blake after the festivities, I promise.”

They parked and walked up the crowded streets.

“Maggie, how was your visit with your family, dear?”

“Good thanks, Mrs. Taft.”

She was questioned every few steps about her trip, her gallery, the letter. Mrs. L asked her where Fin was.

“They’re relentless,” Nash said. “Does everyone in this town feel it’s okay to ask you personal questions?”

“They do.”

“I better get used to that, then.”

“I’ll protect you, big brother.” She hugged him.


“Save me.”

“What?” Nash had been looking in a window and not seen Calvin Harding approach.

“You remember that guy I had a crush on in school?”

“Someone Harris?”

“Calvin Harding. He’s coming, and I don’t have a crush on him anymore.”

“Gotcha. But he still likes you?”

“Something like that,” she muttered, moving closer to her brother. “He’s just got back to town.”

“Maggie, I’ve been trying to locate you, but no one knew where you had gone.” Calvin was slick, dressed like a politician, and spoke the same. He was handsome with his dark blond hair and green eyes, but not for her. She’d realized that first day she saw him again in Phil’s, after her initial excitement over seeing an old friend had worn off, she was well and truly over her crush.

“Hi, Calvin. This is my brother Nash.”

The men shook hands, and Calvin only winced slightly as Nash squeezed his.

“I don’t think we knew each other during school?”

“I didn’t go to the same schools as my sister.” Nash’s tone was warm enough to freeze a lake.

“I wondered if you’d have dinner with me, Maggie?”

“Where are we going?”

“We?” Calvin shot Nash a surprised look. “I invited Maggie.”

“Sorry. We don’t let her go out with strange men. If you don’t want my company too, then call at my parents’ house, we’ll see if we like you, then let you know if you can take her out.” Nash didn’t even crack a smile. His eyes locked on Calvin’s.

“You’re not serious? Maggie is old enough to make that decision for herself, surely?” Calvin’s face was now flushed

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