Hold Me Close (Ryker Falls #5) - Wendy Vella Page 0,66

Ford said.

Maggs shot Fin a look; he simply raised a brow. He’d seen the scar and the lovely creamy skin around it. He’d run his mouth over that skin and caressed every part of her he could before passion had driven him to take her. He planned to acquaint himself with the rest of her soon.

She lifted her shirt and rolled up her sleeve and let her family see. Fin only saw her back. The line of her vertebrae and waistband of her jeans. He looked away, feeling uncomfortable that just her back could have him hot in seconds.

She told them about the gallery then, and that didn’t go down any better. When it was done and everyone talked out, they said their goodbyes and got back in his car.

“Feel better?” he asked when they were back out on the road heading to Ryker Falls.

“I feel like I’ve been awake for twenty-four hours and all of it standing in the middle of the road evading oncoming cars.”

“It’s done now.”

“Not all of it.”

“They’ll forgive you too. There may be more yelling, at least from Pip, but they’ll move on. The rest of the town will then find out, and you’ll be something of a hero.”

“Oh, God.” She banged her head against the window.

“Tomorrow will be better.” He stroked her cheek. Hell of a thing, this need he now had inside him to touch her.

“I hate you.” She yawned. “But loath as I am to admit it, I feel lighter inside that I can let my crazy out and no one will flinch now.”

“You’re not crazy. Just a little nutty.”

“Nice, I like nutty.”

The next time he shot her a look, she was sleeping.

He drove slowly, taking in the scenery, enjoying that she was here with him. As they approached Ryker, his cell phone buzzed. Answering, he listened.

“Okay, I’ll drop by.”

She hadn’t woken as he talked, so he pulled up outside Tea Total and gave in to the need inside him to kiss her. Leaning down, he brushed his lips over her cheek.

“Wake up, Maggie.”

Her eyes opened. Still heavy with sleep, she looked at him above her.


“I think so.” Her words were raspy.

“Think so?” He kissed her soft lips, taking her mouth on a slow, sweet journey.


“I like kissing you, and considering I’ve thought about doing just that and the other things we did many times today, I’m not sure I’ll be wanting to stop anytime soon.”

She was still slumped against the door, but her eyes were coming back to life.

“It makes things complicated.”

“Life is not meant to be easy, Maggie.”

“You got that right,” she whispered. Her hand touched his cheek. “You’re a good man, Findlay Hudson, if a little controlling.”

“It’s not controlling; it’s assertive. Please note the difference.”

She snuffled. “I should have told the people I care about; I see that now. So, thanks.”

“Welcome.” He leaned in and kissed her again. He kept it soft, but felt it to his toes. “So, food,” he managed to get out when he sat upright again.

“I could eat now all that acid is not twisting in my stomach.”

“Let’s go then.”

She sat upright, looking around her. “Oh my God! You kissed me on the main street of Ryker Falls!”

“No one saw.”

“Someone always sees!” She got out of his cruiser so quickly, she stumbled and only just managed to right herself.

“Settle down.” He joined her. “No one saw.” He pulled his hat back down on her head, as it had risen up during her sleep.

“Don’t touch me,” she hissed, her eyes going left and right.

“Awww, come on, you know you want me.” He laughed as she gasped in horror, eyes shooting left and right again.

“Stop it!”

“All right, I’ll behave, but it’s fun riling you up.”

“Like I haven’t been through enough already today.” Her words had a snap to them.

“I know what you’ve been through, sweetheart, and I promise I was only teasing you. Come on, I need food.”

She tried to fight him as he grabbed her hand, hissing that someone would see; strangely, he didn’t care.

Fin wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but he wanted to be close to her. For now, he ran with it.


“Shit,” Maggs muttered, trying to shake of Fin’s hand and failing as Mr. Goldhirsh and his cycling buddies pulled up at the curb.

They dismounted, but only Mr. Goldhirsh lifted his bike onto the sidewalk, then placed it onto one of the bike stands that had suddenly appeared around town.

“They haven’t always been there,” Maggs said, briefly distracted.

“Mayor Gripper and Mr.

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