Hold Me Close (Ryker Falls #5) - Wendy Vella Page 0,43

doing what he was.

This has to stop. Whatever awareness she’d always had for this man had amplified big-time. Maggie had no clue what to do about that.

They were soon joined by the others. Joe swung Bailey into his arms and held her close even though the music didn’t call for that. Dylan and Pip shimmied about holding hands. Ted and Mandy did the same.

“It’s nice.” Fin stepped closer so Maggs could hear him.

“What’s nice?”

“Them all being loved up. Joe is my closest friend, and I like that he and Bailey found each other again. Like that Jack is no longer lost and Pip has a man in her life who values her. Mandy, too. She was vulnerable, as was the big bear in his own way. They kinda complete each other, don’t you think?”

As if she needed more of a reason to find this man disturbing. Those words were so sweet and honest and mirrored her thoughts.

“Yeah, it’s really nice. It makes me happy, looking at them all.”

“You want that?”

She looked into his blue eyes and had to admit that shirt really did amazing things for them.

“Not for a while, and even then I’m not sure.” Maybe it was the wine that had loosened her tongue. But right then, she wanted to tell Fin the truth.


“I guess I need to get myself together before I think about committing to anyone. Then there’s the fact that I’m not dating, which could be a serious drawback.”

“There is that,” he said. “What do you need to get together?” He passed his eyes down her front. “You seem well put together to me.”

Maggie refused to acknowledge the heat that traveled through her at his words.

“Very amusing, and you know I don’t mean physically.”

“So it’s what’s going on in here then.” He tapped her forehead. “What’s the deal, Maggs? What happened?”

“Something did happen.” She looked at him. “But—”

“Mind if I cut in?” Lola appeared at their side, interrupting Maggie.


“It’s okay, Fin.” Maggs stepped away from him. “He’s all yours.”

Walking back to the table, Maggie decided she didn’t want to watch Fin dancing with another woman, so she went to get a coffee from the bar. Chances were Nash wouldn’t stop at a single beer, so she’d need to drive them back to her place.

“What the hell is taking so long? Man wants a beer here!”

Great, Mackie Heath and his idiot friend Leyland Ritchie were there, and clearly causing trouble. Not much had changed since school, it seemed.

“Hey Mackie, Leyland.” Maybe if she talked to them, they’d settle down until it was their turn to order.

“Well now, hello, sweetheart.” Mackie grabbed her into a bear hug that made her ribs creak. “How the hell are you, Maggie?”

He wasn’t a bad guy, just a dumb one. He drank too much and had a loud mouth. Leyland was different, smarter, and usually the one who stirred his friend up until he started trouble.

“I’m good, thanks.”

“I heard you were in England,” Leyland said, looking suspicious. “Not sure why anyone would want to go to that godforsaken place.”

“Well now, Leyland, I guess we’re all different.”

“You want a drink? If ever we get close to the bar, I’ll get you one,” he snarled. She smelled the fumes on his breath that told her he’d had enough. “Tourists.” He spat out the word like it tasted bad. “Taking their damn time ordering a simple thing like a drink.”

“I’m all good, but thanks. I was just about to order a coffee, but I think I’ll leave it. See you guys around.”

“Come on now, Maggie. Let’s get reacquainted just like old times.” His hand gripped her arm and turned her back to face him.

It didn’t bother her. Maggs had dealt with worse than Leyland. Maybe she was changing, being home, because all she felt now was mild amusement looking at these two idiots. Before, she would have panicked.

“Not now, Leyland. I’m tired. Now let me go or—”

“We not good enough for you now you’ve done some traveling?” He pulled her closer.

“Leyland, we’ve been down this road. I’m not interested in you, and I never have been. We’re friends, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Awww, come on, Maggie, you know you want more of me.” His smile was lopsided. He then pitched forward, almost landing on Maggs. She leapt to the side, avoiding being stomped on.

“Who pushed me!” Leyland demanded staggering upright.

“It was an accident, man,” the guy behind him said. “Sorry.”

“It was deliberate!”

Maggie knew the signs. Leyland liked to fight, and he’d

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