Hold Me Close (Ryker Falls #5) - Wendy Vella Page 0,37

And if you don’t like what I’m doing, keep your thoughts to yourself, because I’m standing between you and getting out of here.”

“I’ll report you!”

“Go right ahead. Ted will be able to point you in the direction of those forms. I believe they’re about twenty pages long. But you have a lot to say, so I’m sure you’ll fill those in in no time.”

Her father snorted.


“Be quiet now, Heather. Seriously, these men are just trying to help, and I know you’re worried, but I’m fine.”

After that, she surprisingly shut her mouth, although she sent a few dark stares Fin’s way as they made their way off the mountain.

He handed them over to Ted and his staff, then left as fast as his and Brent’s legs could carry them.

“My thoughts are with any man brave enough to take that woman on,” Brent said.

“I’d suggest getting a standing order for muzzles,” Fin muttered.

After a shower, Fin pulled on clean clothes, then jumped into his cruiser and headed to Artsy Fartsy, Maggie’s gallery. He still thought the name weird, but the stock they carried in there was excellent quality.

Entering, he wandered through the building, looking at the art on the white walls. Lighting was strategically placed and highlighted the pieces.

“Be right there,” someone called from somewhere. Maggie, Fin thought. He would know her voice anywhere.

He found the gallery owner up a ladder, her lovely legs in sheer black nylon under a short black skirt. High black heels where lying on the floor at the base of the ladder. Her shirt was lemon yellow, blousy, and tucked into the skirt. If he cupped her breast now, he’d feel a great deal more.

Shut it down.

And seeing those legs from this position did nothing to put a stop to his thoughts. Hot, Fin thought. He’d always thought this woman extremely hot.

“Hey, you.” He said the words softly so as not to scare her, but she still jumped.

He moved to steady the ladder as it wobbled.

“I’m okay. You just startled me.”

“What are you doing?”

She had a hammer in one hand and nails in the other.


“Ha, but seriously?”

“Fixing a shelf. It needs reinforcing.”

“Get down; I’ll do it.”

“I don’t need a man to do it. We women can even vote nowadays.”

He watched her expertly hammer in a nail, which showed him, he thought. He steadied the ladder and enjoyed the view as she hammered in a few more nails. Her butt did a little shimmy with every whack, and it was quite something.

“How was dinner with your family, Fin?”

He didn’t question how she knew he’d had dinner with his father. Small towns meant you got away with nothing. “Hell, but the way I see it, any meal I don’t have to cook is a good one.”

“How was Mallory?”

“Good.” He didn’t add anything, and she took the hint.

“Have they identified the body yet?” She looked down at him.

“Yes. It’s Simon Linbar.”

“That sucks. His poor mother.”

“It does. But at least now she knows and can grieve for him.”

“True. Still must be heartbreaking.” She slapped the shelf, and it didn’t fall, so he guessed whatever she’d done had worked.

“Hand me your hammer.”

“Why?” She looked down.

“So you can get down.” Her lips were painted in bright glossy red that should play hell with her hair but actually looked good enough to nibble.

“I can get down holding a hammer, Fin. Really, I don’t need a man to look after me. I’m a big brave woman who can do stuff all by herself. Why are you here anyway?”

“To help unpack the truck.”

“Why?” She looked down at him.

“I get that you’re a strong woman, Maggs, but cut me some slack here. You’re not allowing me to perform my manly duties.”

Outside, a car backfired. Reid Hamilton’s truck; this Fin knew as he’d heard it yesterday when he’d been in town. Bas couldn’t fit it in to fix until tomorrow, and it had been making this noise for two weeks now. The town had sent a delegation to tell him to sort it out.

“The entire town of Ryker Falls will be happy when Reid Hamilton finally gets that backfire fixed,” he muttered, turning back to look at Maggs.

She was focusing on the shelf. Unmoving, her hand clenched around the hammer. The other braced on the wall.


Chapter Sixteen

Reid Hamilton’s truck backfiring, Maggie told herself over and over. Not a gun firing at her. No one here in Ryker Falls wanted to shoot her.

“You’ve just noticed the shelf isn’t straight?”

She could hear Fin and latched on to his voice. Steady

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