Hold Me Close (Ryker Falls #5) - Wendy Vella Page 0,15

just kept coming. Fin joined her with his deep rumble, and soon they were laughing like idiots.

“Clearly they’re unhinged from the day’s events. Someone slap them,” Jack said.

Fin managed to get himself under control before Maggs. He then got off his stool to kiss Bailey’s cheek, because, well, that’s what he always did when he greeted his friends—the female ones anyway. He took Ella out of the stroller and sat again. Hot guy, sweet little girl in his arms. Maggie’s heart did not just sigh.

“Hey there, baby girl, I’m your aunt Maggie.”

Ella gave her a gummy smile.

“She loves me best already.”

“Not likely. I’m Uncle Fin, the one who makes funny faces and blows raspberries in her neck.”

She’d worked hard to control her emotions since the incident. Maggie had always been a bit volatile, and yes, spoke her mind, but after she’d been shot she’d also been weepy, scared, and had lost her confidence. Those emotions, she wanted to rein in. Today had not helped. At least she hadn’t screamed or sobbed uncontrollably. She’d done that in London.

“Maggie Winter!”

“Mrs. Howard is coming; I’m out!” Before anyone could stop her, Maggie got off her stool and headed for the door. “I have to head to the gallery. You all have a good day.”

She was out the door before they realized it and heading down the street for home.

The knock came on her front door early the following morning. She was up, but only just, and only because she’d fallen asleep so early and slept for hours. Good, uninterrupted sleep, the kind she’d not had a lot of lately. Tightening the belt on her robe, she answered the second knock.

“Hello, Maggie.”

“Mr. Goldhirsh. Is everything all right?”

“Everything is perfect. I just wondered if you’d like to spend some time with me this morning, dear. My wife”—he smiled—“I never get tired of saying that, is busy.”

“Oh, well—”

“It won’t be painful, I promise, and there will be a nice view and coffee, with the promise of cake.”

Like her friends, Maggs struggled to say no to this man. But she was suspicious. Mr. Goldhirsh felt it was his duty to get people exercising and didn’t care how much manipulation on his part that took.

“Hustle along now, Maggs. Pull on some leggings or something stretchy and comfortable.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

“It’s important to always be comfortable. I’ll meet you in the car.”

“But I don’t want to exercise,” she called after him as he jogged back down her path pretending not to hear her.

Suspicious and struggling to come up with a valid reason not to go, Maggs hurried to her room. She dug out her exercise leggings and top. Then pulled several layers over that. Lacing her feet into sneakers, she hurried to the front door.

“You’re not going to force me to run are you?” Maggs said, getting into Mr. Goldhirsh’s car.

“No running, dear. I’m injured.” He turned the car around, and soon they were heading down to where her gallery was.

“Ha, you injured is still fitter than me.”

“We’re going to work on that, Maggs. Because while you have no wish to talk about what happened, I know something did.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. He always saw what others didn’t. She went for “I’m all right.”

“No, you’re not. It’s in the eyes. I can tell you’re troubled.”

“I’m trying to change that.”

“Excellent.” He patted her hand. “And I can help.”

He pulled up in front of the rec center.

“Okay, I’m totally clueless why we are here.”

“Come along, Maggs. Today you are taking your first yoga class.”

“Oh, hell no!”

“Yoga is about cultivating self-awareness and spiritual development. It helps teach the body to self-observe.”

“Ah.” Maggs looked at the building before her like it housed fire-breathing dragons. “Can’t I self-observe from home?”

“Out you get now.”

“Do I have to?”

He chuckled as he got out of the car and came around her side. Opening her door, he held out a hand.

“How come Aunt Jess doesn’t have to do this?”

“She keeps fit by riding and walking the land. My girl is one of the healthiest—mentally and physically—people I know.”

“Of course she is,” Maggs muttered, getting out of the car.

“Life is about small steps, dear. This is just another one.”

She let him lead her into the rec center. Maggs stopped just inside the door. Every senior she knew was in the place, plus Fin and Luke.

“I don’t think I want to do this.”

Fin, who’d been stretching, looked up and found her. His smile was slow.

“I really don’t want to do this.”

As if sensing her panic, Fin

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