Hoax Husband - Candice M. Wright Page 0,23

sabbatical? Just for three months. When you decide to stay, we can revisit this. I don’t want to try and take over. I just have a deal on the line at work, and they are very, very traditional in their way of thinking.”

“Okay, first of all, nobody takes a sabbatical from being a bartender,” I roll of my eyes. “I’m either employed or not, that's about as close to a sabbatical as it gets. Secondly, I never said I was staying, so stop putting the cart before the horse.”

“You’ll stay. I’ll win you over, I have no doubt,” he measures me confidently as if there is simply no other option for him.

His confidence should piss me off, and maybe it does a little, but I’d be lying to myself if I didn't admit that it also makes me feel hot in all the right places.

“I don’t want to leave my job.” I twist the napkin in my lap, worried about losing myself in him and this agreement, which might only be temporary.

His face falls but he doesn’t push it. I think about what he said, though. He’s not asking me to quit just to put a pin in it. Whatever deal he has in the pipeline is bound to be worth substantially more than whatever money I will lose by not slinging drinks for three months. He’s given me a space to do my art, moved me into a penthouse apartment, and offered to get me a studio if this doesn’t work out. How can I really say no when he’s asking for so little?

“I’ll ask my boss if I can take some time off,” I say quietly.

“Really?” his eyebrows shoot up.

“Yeah, let me see what he says. If this doesn’t work out, I still need to be able to pay my bills. I can’t really afford to quit and risk being out of work for however long it takes me to find something else.

“I’ll pay alimony,” he offers immediately.

“No, that's not what I’m after. I didn’t marry you for your wallet, and while we’re on the subject, I’m never going to be okay with spending your hard-earned money without contributing something.”

“Are you always this stubborn?” he questions with a shake of his head.

“Why yes, yes, I am,” I answer with a smile of my own.

He may as well know what he’s getting himself into.



As Linda cleaned up the mess I made while cooking, I arranged for a service to pack up the rest of her things and have them brought here.

Now I need to head into the office for a few hours and I find myself strangely reluctant to do so.

“Hey, Linda, I need to go to the office for a while. Are you going to be okay here by yourself?”

She turns to look at me with a frown on her face. “Will I be okay playing Rapunzel up in your penthouse tower for a few hours? Hmm…I’m not sure. I might break a nail or something.”

“All right, smartass, I was just asking.”

“Go, do your thing. I promise not to burn the place down while you're gone.”

I have the insane urge to pull her into my arms and kiss the fuck out of her, but it’s too soon. After somehow managing to convince her to stay, I don't want her to run the first chance she gets.

“Fair enough. I won't be gone long.” I hover for a moment before she shoos me away.

I head to the office on autopilot, barely grunting hello to any of my staff as I make my way up to my floor.

“I didn’t think you were coming in today, sir.” Rosa greets me as I pass her desk outside my door.

“I wasn’t planning on it, but something came up, and you know I get restless without touching base. Do me a favor, will you? Hold all calls for me. I’m not going to be here long and don't want to be disturbed unless it's an emergency.

“No problem, Mr. Sloan. Oh, there are messages from Mr. Morgan and Mr. Baxter for you to return their calls.”

“Thanks, Rosa. How’s that grandbaby of yours?” I ask conversationally as I open the door to my office.

“A gorgeous little terror, much like her mother was at the same age.” She chuckles.

“I’ll bet,” I say with a smile of my own before closing myself inside and heading straight to my phone.

I call my lawyer first and arrange for him to come by the penthouse tomorrow with a basic contract between Linda

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