The Hitman's Guide to Tying the Knot Without Getting Shot - Alice Winters Page 0,15

I look past him at the man who has heard the officer. He gets a terrified look and darts into the trees but the moment I try to skirt around the officer to nab him, he pulls a gun on me.

“Get on the ground!”

“I think there’s a misunderstanding,” Jackson says calmly as I stare at this lunatic of a man.

“You’re letting the fucking pervert walk away! What the hell is wrong with you?” I ask.

Jackson sets a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. “We’re both PIs. We have our licenses and are following a man who is a suspect in a—”

The man points at the ground. “And I don’t give a shit what you think you are, I told you to get on the ground.”

I turn to him, positive I could take the gun from him and toss his ass on the ground and still have time to catch up with the guy who dodged us.

“Do you have a gun on you?” he asks, maybe seeing a peek of one on me. Sometimes it’s hard to wear so many guns at once and have none show.

“I have a license to carry.” That’s totally forged but I decide to keep that part to myself.

“Get on the ground!”

Jackson kneels with his hands up and I’m annoyed. He should only have to kneel for me. “Just get on the ground, Leland.”

“But we’re letting the pervert go to harm more young women because we have a cop who can’t use any of his skills to realize he has the wrong people,” I complain.

“Leland, please,” Jackson says.

“Fine, fine,” I say before kneeling and putting my hands up. “Just call Henry Johnson. He’s my adoptive father. He’ll tell you that this is all a misunderstanding.”

The man grabs his radio and instead of calling for Henry he goes, “I have two suspects at Hyde Park, I need backup. One is armed.”

I glance over at Jackson. “Can I please put him on his ass so I can catch the guy?”

“No, stay down, do what he says.”

I groan in annoyance. I’ve never been arrested before so maybe it’ll be fun. The issue is that I’m almost positive that I’m going to punch this man before the night is out. “Just call Henry! He loves me! He’ll tell you that this is all a big misunderstanding and you’re an idiot.”

“That last part probably makes him less likely to do what you say,” Jackson assures me.

“Sorry… I’m just frustrated. The only person I like handcuffing me is you.”

“I’m aware,” he says as the cop’s partner comes rushing onto the scene. It’s another person I don’t recognize and she’s just as eager to pin me down as the other man. She starts patting me all over and when she finds gun number one, she hands it off.

“Be nice to my babies,” I say.

“There’s more than one?” she asks as she continues her vigorous pat down.


“No, no. I was referring to the gun and Jackson. That’s why it was plural,” I assure her.

The woman tightens her hold on me. “He has another gun.”

“Why do you have two guns?” Jackson hisses.

I look at him with wide eyes. I mean, why do I have to continually explain this to him? “I didn’t want for the one to get lonely!”

“There’s a third!” The woman pulls it off and hands it to the male officer.

“I told you I have a license to carry,” I say.

“Yes, one gun is normal for someone with a license. Two is tolerable, but you have three?” the female officer asks.

“But… I just couldn’t pick one. At least I didn’t bring five guns like normal.”

“Good god, who gave you your license?” she asks like she’s mystified.

Yeah, let’s not worry about how Tucker got that arranged. “Anyhoo. You seem like a sensible officer. We were tailing a pervert who was tailing a girl, and instead of arresting the actual pervert, this cop here scared the pervert off and arrested us,” I say.

“I have video footage,” Jackson says but the male officer starts reading us our rights very loudly over Jackson as he snaps the handcuffs in place and drags me to my feet.

“I’m weirdly starting to see why your mom thinks I’m a bad influence on you,” I say, which is horrible. I can never agree with Ava on anything.

“You’re not a bad influence, this is a minor misunderstanding,” Jackson assures me. “And would probably be easier to deal with if you didn’t have three guns on you.”

I just smile at him, Copyright 2016 - 2024