The Hitman's Guide to Tying the Knot Without Getting Shot - Alice Winters Page 0,101

his fate is. They take him away where the police will apprehend him when they arrive.

“Why didn’t you wake me so I could watch?” Leland asks. “I only got to see half of it, and you know I love it when you attack people.”

I glance over at him and grin. “Maybe because I knew if I woke you up, you’d have dived in front of me to keep me from possibly getting involved. I thought you were bad at stealing the limelight before, but you’re even worse now that you’re concerned about my wellbeing every moment of the day.”

“Maybe,” he admits. “But I couldn’t handle something happening to you. Although… I still find it sexy when you manhandle people. So it’s like my body is raging a war inside. Do I keep you in a bubble or do I put you in my fight club?”

“I-I need to get out of here,” Anna says, interrupting our talk that’s really not too essential to what’s happening.

“The police will be here shortly; we’ll just wait it out. You’re okay here with Leland and me,” I assure her.

She balls the sheet up into her hand as she warily stares at the door. “There are so many doors and windows. If one already got in, who’s to say the next isn’t already here? I know where Hutson is. If I tell you where he is… can you stop him? Can you end this?” Her expression shows how desperate she is as she watches us.

Leland cocks his head as he folds his arms over his chest. “Why didn’t you tell us yesterday? We could have stopped him by now.”

“B-Because I was afraid you guys would leave me and I’d get killed or something! Look! If you’d have left, they would have killed me.”

I suppose that’s true, but we could have stopped this so much sooner. “We’re going to get some people on top of protecting you and then we’re going to stop him,” I assure her. “Once he’s out of the picture, there will be nothing left to worry about.”

She nods, but she doesn’t seem certain. “What if he kills me while you guys are gone?”

“We’re not going to leave you unprotected. We’ll notify the police about the situation and we’re going to call in some of our guys to help. Leland, can you get Cassel here?”

“Yeah, of course,” he says as he goes back to grab his phone that’d been charging.

As he deals with that, an officer comes up to check on Anna. I recognize her, so I tell her that we’re going to have our other PI come watch her and ask if we could get her moved and on police watch. She talks to the two of us for a bit before making a call.



“I get worried leaving Cassel alone,” I say as we leave our house, laden down with all my favorite weapons.

“There are officers with him,” Jackson reminds me. “He should be okay. And I think he can handle a tough situation. You could tell Jeremy what’s going on, and see if he’ll wait with him?”

I grin evilly at the thought. “They’re so weird yet I can’t stop kind of rooting for them, ya know?”

Jackson raises an eyebrow. “No… no, I don’t know. Jeremy’s a dick.”

“Yeah, but he has this hidden charm to him.”

As Jackson gets in the driver’s seat, he makes it very apparent by the look on his face that he sees nothing hidden inside Jeremy beyond his level of assholery. And that’s definitely right on display.

“He helped with the fence,” I remind Jackson as I pull out my baby and make sure she’s all good to go to shoot some bad guys in the face!

“That makes me hate him even more.”

“Oh stop! Don’t be jealous. If you weren’t hurt, I would have asked you. But there was no way you could have picked up the fence, so we needed Jerebear.”

“I’m not jealous. I wish he’d have let it burn and why did he have to help you? Please tell me that.”

“Because everyone secretly loves me,” I say with a grin. “My poor babies got all wet because that asshole pushed me in the pond.”

“The asshole you tried drowning about fifteen times?”

“Only twelve, and yes. He should have just succumbed to the drowning, Jackson,” I say as he follows the GPS which says it’s a forty-minute drive. “How right do you think she is about this location?”

Jackson shrugs. “I honestly don’t know. She said she’s been trying to hunt Copyright 2016 - 2024