Hitman vs Hitman - L.A. Witt Page 0,8

routes and obstacles. And since he’d planned slightly better than August, he could move freely throughout the house without anyone giving him a second glance. Sneaking in looking like Tactical Timmy put August at a disadvantage that pleased the hell out of Ricardo.

As the winding staircase took Kyle and Ricardo higher into the towering mansion, Ricardo took stock of a few cameras strategically placed to blend in with the décor. Good to know. If he’d noticed those, there were probably others that were even more difficult to see. While August was apparently willing to take for granted that some cameras weren’t closely monitored, Ricardo lived by the philosophy that it was always best to assume someone was, at that very moment, watching the live feed of whatever camera was on him.

The foyer was wide open like a giant atrium in front of the staircase, and an enormous chandelier hung from the high ceiling. Ricardo had to suppress a snicker at the thought of August trying to make a dramatic exit—or entrance—by swinging on the chandelier. He’d undoubtedly break his neck. In fact, he’d get shot on the way down and then break his neck for good measure.

And he’s out of my way, so why am I even thinking about him?

Ricardo shook himself and continued up the long, spiraling staircase.

Finally, they were on the top floor, and Kyle strode down the hall without even bothering to make sure Ricardo was hot on his heels. It was only when they reached a set of gargantuan double doors that he stopped and narrowed his eyes at Ricardo. “Mr. Baldwin is not going to be pleased.”

Ricardo nodded mutely.

Kyle jabbed a series of numbers into a keypad beside the door, unaware that his angry dramatics made it easier for Ricardo see the sequence he was entering. 5-5-9-2. Got it.

The door clicked, and Kyle pushed it open and went inside.

And there was Baldwin—sitting at an enormous broad glass desk with two hulking security guards standing behind him. Holy shit, they must have been bored senseless, just standing there all day while he ran his empire from his cushy leather chair.

Keeping his expression placid, Ricardo followed Kyle. He adopted a meek stance, wishing for a moment he’d worn a hat that he could hold in front of him as he slouched and shuffled toward the desk. Anything to make himself look as subservient as possible.

“Mr. Baldwin.” Kyle stopped in front of the desk and stood so straight he was almost at attention. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but this gentleman has some news that may impact tonight’s festivities.”

Baldwin, a blond asshole in a gray golf shirt and jeans, looked up at Kyle, then slid his gaze toward Ricardo. He didn’t introduce himself, but he didn’t need to. Even without Kyle’s little speech, everyone recognized Lance Baldwin. Everyone. Ricardo had heard that the man was larger than life in person. That he had the kind of charisma that could charm thousands into a cult, the kind of good looks that could make a straight man drool, and the kind of intense, knowing blue eyes that could intimidate a king.

Too bad for Baldwin that Ricardo had been in the presence of enough powerful people to be less than impressed by a billionaire’s bravado. As far as Ricardo was concerned, this man was nothing more than a ticket to an enormous payday, securing his top rating on Rate Your Hit, and reaffirming his place as the best assassin in the game. Eat a dick, August.

Baldwin’s chair squeaked as he sat back, and he cocked his head. “Well?”

Ricardo swallowed with exaggerated nervousness. “Um.” He glanced furtively at Kyle, then faced the tycoon again. “The thing is, sir, you’ve got a serious infestation. Probably three, four hundred rats.”

Baldwin’s eyes widened. “Four hundred rats?” He glared at Kyle. “How in the hell did four hundred rats move into my house without any of your people noticing?”

Kyle put up his hands, but Ricardo spoke first: “They multiply very, very quickly. And it’s possible one or two rats found a way in, and brought an entire colony with them. Or just started an entirely new colony of their own.”

Baldwin clenched his jaw, his face turning red as he flicked his furious eyes back and forth between Kyle and Ricardo. “Well? How long will it take to get them out?”

Grimacing, Ricardo said, “That’s where it gets a little tricky. I can block off some of the access points they’ve used to get into the main part

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